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Where can I get image files of Puerto Rico?


This article is from the Puerto Rico FAQ, by Zeydy Ortiz Laureano zortizl@eos.ncsu.edu with numerous contributions by others.

Where can I get image files of Puerto Rico?

You can find more than a 100 image files of Puerto Rico using a client
of the World Wide Web. The site is maintained by Jose Pietri and
sponsored by Hewlett-Packard Puerto Rico. The URL of this site is
< http://hpprdk01.prd.hp.com >.

! Carlos Gutierrez <webmaster@gutierrez.com> has a Photo Gallery at
! < http://www.gutierrez.com/ftp/tourism/ >. This page is still under
! construction but it contains many different photos of San Juan, the
! airport and other locations around the Island.

Contributions: Jose Pietri <jpietri@hpprdk01.prd.hp.com>.


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