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Apple II Programming FAQ

Comp.sys.apple2.programmer (Csa2P) is concerned with programming the Apple II series of computers. It is the net's largest forum for Apple II programmers and programming beginners to ask questions, discuss issues, and share ideas.

This FAQ about Apple II Programming was compiled and written by Jeff Hurlburt with numerous contributions by others.

-001- What programming languages are available for the Apple II?
apple2 programming FAQ: 001- What programming languages are available for the Apple II?
-002- Where can I find out about Apple II programming?
apple2 programming FAQ: 002- Where can I find out about Apple II programming?
-003- Where can I get Apple II languages and programming software?
apple2 programming FAQ: 003- Where can I get Apple II languages and programming software?
-004- I'd like to do some 'serious' Apple II programming. Where can I find a information about soft switches (i.e. "PEEKs & POKEs"), monitor routines, and standard names used for these?
apple2 programming FAQ: 004- I'd like to do some 'serious' Apple II programming. Where can I find a information about soft switches (i.e.
-005- How can I see and edit what's in a Text file?
apple2 programming FAQ: 005- How can I see and edit what's in a Text file?
-006- How do I save a BASIC program in ASCII text form?
apple2 programming FAQ: 006- How do I save a BASIC program in ASCII text form?
-007- Where and how can I get GS System 6.0.1?
apple2 programming FAQ: 007- Where and how can I get GS System 6.0.1?
-008- Where can I get Applesoft shape table info and programs?
apple2 programming FAQ: 008- Where can I get Applesoft shape table info and programs?
-009- What Operating System environments does the GS support?
apple2 programming FAQ: 009- What Operating System environments does the GS support?
-010- How do I write programs for the Apple Graphics Tablet?
apple2 programming FAQ: 010- How do I write programs for the Apple Graphics Tablet?
-011- A while ago someone posted about how to read the joystick on a GS in native mode. They said that it was possible to read both paddles at once and therefore get much more accurate readings?
apple2 programming FAQ: 011- A while ago someone posted about how to read the joystick on a GS in native mode. They said that it was possible to read both paddles at once and therefore get much more accurate readings?
-012- How do I write programs which use the mouse?
apple2 programming FAQ: 012- How do I write programs which use the mouse?
-013- Where can I find manuals and other resources for the CP/M operating system?
apple2 programming FAQ: 013- Where can I find manuals and other resources for the CP/M operating system?
-014- How can I view and enter code using the "monitor"?
apple2 programming FAQ: 014- How can I view and enter code using the
-015- What parts of Apple II memory should a user be careful about modifying when using the monitor?
apple2 programming FAQ: 015- What parts of Apple II memory should a user be careful about modifying when using the monitor?
-016- Can I do multi-tasking on a IIgs? or What is GNO/ME?
apple2 programming FAQ: 016- Can I do multi-tasking on a IIgs? or What is GNO/ME?
-017- Which Zero Page locations are likely to be in-use?
apple2 programming FAQ: 017- Which Zero Page locations are likely to be in-use?

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