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22. What's the Internet domain name for Korea and schools in Korea?


This article is from the Hangul & Internet in Korea FAQ, by Jungshik Shin jshin@minerva.cis.yale.edu with numerous contributions by others.

22. What's the Internet domain name for Korea and schools in Korea?

The domain name for Korea(South) is KR and that for North Korea is KP
although Internet doesn't seem to have a single host in North Korea. Within
KR domain, there are several 2nd level domains.

o AC for Academic Institutions
o CO for commercial organizations
o NE for Network Management(used to be NM)
o GO for government agencies
o RE for Research institutions
o OR for not-for-profit organization

The 3rd level domain names are usually abbrebiation/name for institutions.

Some documents on domain names for primary and secondary school and local
administrative units and available at http://cosmos.kaist.ac.kr/rfc-kr/.

KR domain statistics(and various other statistics on Internet in Korea) is
available from Korea Network Informatin Center(KRNIC) at
http://www.krnic.net. KRNIC aims to be the primary contact point for
inquires about Internet in Korea. And indeed a lot of information can be
retrieved there using WWW,FTP and Gopher. KR domain statistics used to be
posted periodically to Han.net.announce, Instead, it's available at KRNIC
web page.

Moreover, you may use 'nslookup' or 'host' program to get list of hosts in
KR domain or its subdomains. A still better way is use whois or rwhois
service offered by KRNIC. The address of whois server at KRNIC is
whois.nic.or.kr. In Unix, you can query Korean network as shown below

% whois -h whois.krnic.or.kr someschool
% rwhois -h whois.krnic.or.kr:43 someone
% fwhois someschool@whois.krnic.or.kr

Alternatively, one may use Whois web gateway at

Enclosed is KR domain statistics with domains of less than 500 hosts


- Automatically generated by DDT at ns.krnic.net
- Past results can be found at ftp://ftp.krnic.net/krnic/

Domain-manager (domain@krnic.net)
Korea Network Information Center

    Domain Name            Host Count   Ratio (%) 
    =====================  ==========   ========= 
                    kr       34768     100.00  
                 co.kr       14334      41.23  
                 ac.kr       13095      37.66  
                 re.kr        6134      17.64  
                 nm.kr        1029       2.96   
                 or.kr          89       0.26  
                 go.kr          86       0.25  
         samsung.co.kr        5459      15.70 
           kaist.ac.kr        3299       9.49  (Korea Adv. Inst. of Sci.& Tech)
            etri.re.kr        3034       8.73  (Elec. Telecomm. Res.  Inst.)
           cheil.co.kr        1927       5.54  
           kotel.co.kr        1573       4.52  (Korea Telecom.)
         postech.ac.kr        1567       4.51  (Pohang Univ. of Sci. & Tech.)
        goldstar.co.kr        1523       4.38 
             snu.ac.kr        1228       3.53  (Seoul Nat'l Univ.)
          sogang.ac.kr         934       2.69  (Sogang Univ.)
          kornet.nm.kr         869       2.50 
          yonsei.ac.kr         684       1.97  (Yonsei Univ.)
       kyungpook.ac.kr         656       1.89  (Kyungpook Nat'l Univ.)
            inha.ac.kr         616       1.77  (Inha Univ.)
            seri.re.kr         597       1.72  (System Eng. Res.  Inst.)
             cau.ac.kr         584       1.68  
        yeungnam.ac.kr         537       1.54  (Yeungnam Univ.)   


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