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1.1 Acknowledgements


This article is from the Dissociation FAQ, by Discord (tina@tezcat.com) with numerous contributions by others.

1.1 Acknowledgements

Primary Author and Editor: Discord (tina@tezcat.com)

Many people have helped, both directly and indirectly, with the writing
of this FAQ. Not the least of these have been the readers and posters
to the abuse support groups, the users of the IRC support channels, and
the users of SANCTUARY MUD. Some of these people contributed sections or
aided in their writing, while others made suggestions for things to
include within the FAQ. I appreciate all of them, but at this point to
list everyone who contributed suggestions might take a whole section in
itself (and besides, I'd forget them all).

That having been said, in the case of people contributing sections of the
FAQ, they are credited in that section, except in the case of those
wishing not to be credited. All sections not otherwise marked were
primarily written or compiled by Discord.

The book list is a compilation of many many people's suggestions for
additions, however, I would like to thank Anita Easton, who provided a
rather large section of the booklist.

The mini-FAQ on multiplicity was co-written by myself and Sapphire
Gazelles, based on my original (very incomplete) multiplicity FAQ from
ASAR. I have since edited it beyond the original co-writing, but her
(their) contributions were of immeasurable help.

Some of the information in the formal section on dissociation is taken in
part from the DSM-III-R. I do not own a copy of the DSM-IV at this time;
some of the information might therefore be considered outdated by some


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