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10.13 Is the BMG 11-for-1 deal good?


This article is from the rec.audio.* FAQ, by with numerous contributions by Bob Neidorff others.

10.13 Is the BMG 11-for-1 deal good?

Yes. You have to put up with their frequent mailings. You can
elect the "POSITIVE OPTION" and not have to answer each mailing
to avoid an order. You should expect to pay approximately $2.00
per disc for shipping and handling in the US and more elsewhere,
but even at that price and assuming that you will buy one of
their discs for $16.00, you still do well. Assuming, of course,
that you want at least 11 of the discs that they are offering
for sale. Some states requires sales tax on BMG sales, and some
states tax "free" discs, but the tax still is small compared to
the discount from retail.

The BMG collection contains over 2500 discs. This includes
classical, pop, jazz, and other. All BMG discs come from the
larger labels. Some rumored that BMG discs are inferior to the
discs sold in normal retail chains. This has not been
substantiated. In fact, BMG distributes their discs through
retail chains, as well as through the mail, so you may get a BMG
disc either way.

BMG has a web site. There is also a great CD Club FAQ on the
web. Try these sites:


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