
previous page: 38 Are there IRC channels for Red Dwarf fans?
page up: Red Dwarf FAQ
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39 Are there Red Dwarf mailing lists?


This article is from the Red Dwarf FAQ, by Patrick M. Berry pat@interpath.com with numerous contributions by others.

39 Are there Red Dwarf mailing lists?

Two Red Dwarf mailing lists are known to exist, one moderated and one

Moderated list: Run by Holly5120@aol.com. To join, send her a note asking
to be added to the list. Digests are sent out once a day. The moderator
also sends out Red Dwarf sounds and chatlogs on request. A Web page for the
moderated list can be found at

Unmoderated list: Distributed by the pipex.com list server. To subscribe,
send email to LISTPROC@LISTS.PIPEX.COM with the following text as the body
of the message:

subscribe reddwarf Your Name


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page up: Red Dwarf FAQ
next page: 40 Are there Red Dwarf magazines?