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08 Why is the captain haunting gull cottage? (The Ghost and Mrs. Muir)


This article is from the The Ghost and Mrs. Muir FAQ, by Caroline Kent caro@earthlink.net with numerous contributions by others.

08 Why is the captain haunting gull cottage? (The Ghost and Mrs. Muir)

The transition from here to the over there is affected by several
things including the circumstances of the person's death and his state
of mind at the time prior to and at the time of death. Oftentimes, a
ghost will remain near the place where his death occurred if it was a
sudden or tragic passing, or near a person or place to whom he was
emotionally attached. In the Captain's case, perhaps he still hangs
around Gull Cottage because he spent his life savings on the place and
intended it to be a home for retired seamen. He stubbornly refuses to
give up ownership of the cottage because he cannot bear to entrust its
care to his blundering nephew, Claymore! True romantics, however,
would like to believe that Carolyn and the Captain were destined to
meet and he was hanging about Gull Cottage waiting for her to show up!


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