Conan O'Brien FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about Conan O'Brien.
This FAQ about Conan O'Brien
was compiled and written by Joseph Gebis
with numerous contributions by others.
1.1 What is "Late Night with Conan O'Brien"?- Late Night with Conan O'Brien is a late-night talk show hosted ...
1.2 How can I get tickets? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- You can get tickets by writing to:...
1.3 When do they tape the show? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- They tape at 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Eastern from Tuesday to Friday....
1.4 Why was Conan so nervous early in the show's run? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- You try replacing Letterman and see how cool you are. Seriously, the ...
1.5 What are some of the recurring skits on the show? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- A list of the recurring skits of the show is now its own document. ...
1.6 So who's winning, Conan or Dave? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- They are not fighting each other....
1.7 What about Tom Snyder and his other competition? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- It appears that Tom and Conan are attracting different audiences, ...
1.8 I heard that Conan was cancelled. Is that true?- While it is true that Conan's future was not safe until recently, ...
1.9 How can I find out upcoming guests? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- Members of Conan O'Brien's staff periodically post upcoming guest ...
1.10 Where can I find other electronic information about Conan and the show? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- and are good newsgroups to look for ...
1.11 What printed sources are there about Conan? (Conan O'Brien)- There used to be a modest list of early Conan printed sources here....
1.12 How can I contact the show? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- Via normal (snail) mail, you can write to:...
1.13 How can I write to NBC about the show? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- One person is:...
1.14 What was David Letterman's Top Ten list to Conan?- Top 10 Tips for the New Late Night Host - April 27, ...
1.15 Who wrote the theme song? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- John Lurie of the Lounge Lizards wrote the theme song. He was ...
1.16 Is there a Late Night drinking game? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- Would there be a question like this if the answer was no? A hit ...
1.17 I want to go to a taping. What should I know? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- Here's a couple of tips on getting tickets. It is just as easy to call ...
1.18 Are there any Late Night zines? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- Krunk! is the main (and maybe only) Conan fanzine. It's got ...
1.19 How can I get autographed photos? (Conan O'Brien)- has posted this:...
1.20 Is there a Conan comic book? (Conan O'Brien)- There isn't a comic book just for Conan, but he has made ...
1.21 Are there any Conan FTP sites or World Wide Web Pages? (Conan O'Brien)- There weren't a little while ago, but there are plenty now....
1.22 Am I crazy, or was there another opening montage at one time? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- For the first two years of the show, Late Night had an animated ...
1.23 A book? Where? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- Late Night With Conan O'Brien is releasing its first book. _If ...
1.24 What's with all the "I'm gonna get sued" comments? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- On October 11, 1993, Conan did a segment based on the Ted Danson-in-...
1.25 Does the show offer internships? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- Late Night with Conan O'Brien gives out several ...
1.26 What's the connection with "The Dana Carvey Show?" (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- There are many, from the mundane to the downright spooky. The first ...
1.27 Where can I get "Late Night" merchandise? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- Merchandise for Late Night can be purchased several ways. The most ...
1.28 What happened to the set? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- The set has changed little for the first three years of the show. ...
2.1 When was Conan born? (Conan O'Brien)- Conan Christopher O'Brien was born April 18, 1963 (that makes him ...
2.2 What are his parents doing now? (Conan O'Brien)- Conan's mom is a partner in Ropes & Gray, a law firm in Boston....
2.3 Where did Conan go to college? (Conan O'Brien)- Conan went to Harvard from 1981 to 1985. While there, he majored ...
2.4 What has Conan done since then? (Conan O'Brien)- Conan worked on HBO's Not Necessarily the News for two years (1985-87)....
2.5 How did such an unknown person get his job? (Conan O'Brien)- Conan's previous boss, Lorne Michaels, suggested that Conan try ...
2.6 Is Conan married? (Conan O'Brien)- Since it now has been widely reported publically, it is fair game to ...
2.7 Are there Conan smilies? (Conan O'Brien)- Of course there are! Here are some suggestions:...
3.1 Who is Conan's sidekick? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- Conan's sidekick is Andy Richter. He performs in many of the ...
3.2 Who is the band? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- The band is The Max Weinberg 7. The members are:...
3.3 Who plays the characters on the show? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- Here's the people that play some of the regular characters on ...
3.4 Who are the behind-the-scenes people? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)- Lorne Michaels, the executive producer of LNwCOB, also ...
3.5 How can I write to other people on the show? (Late Night with Conan O'Brien)
4.1 What is the newsgroup? ( The newsgroup is This newsgroup is a ...
4.2 So what is acceptable newsgroup-type behavior? ( The newsgroup welcomes any intelligent discussion about the show, its ...
4.3 Man, what do I do about this [spammer/flamer/etc]? ( The first and most important rule to any of the above is to *not ...
4.4 Does Conan know about this newsgroup? ( (now takes mail from people for ...
4.5 What if I don't get this newsgroup? ( Complain fiercely. :)...
4.6 What's this about #krunk? ( IRC (Internet Relay Chat) lets groups of people discuss things ...
4.7 Is anyone doing episode summaries? ( Herbert Gambill ( began an episode capsule ...
4.8 What was all this about a Conecon? ( The First Tenth Annual Conecon was held on Friday, August 18th, ...
4.9 Hey, I need an episode! What should I do? ( Many people find out about guests that they wanted to see but missed, ...
5.1 Who compiled this faq? ( Joseph Gebis ( is the creator of this faq, and wrote ...
5.2 How do I submit additions, comments, and corrections? ( Posting suggestions and information to the newsgroup is the most ...
5.3 How do I get the latest version of the faq? ( Now that posting has resumed on the *.answers newsgroups, the most ...
5.4 Is there an html version of this faq? ( Since the close-down of Noah Sturr's ( site, the ...
5.5 What other information do you need? ( Here's a partial list of information that needs to be added to the faq:...
5.6 Who are all the wonderful people that added information to the faq? ( (
5.7 Who else needs to be especially thanked? ( Chris Baird (, keeper of ...
5.8 Have you heard the one about the lawyer and the...? ( For all versions of the faq previous to version 1.2, Joe Gebis' ...