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10: Travel To Tuva: Guides And References


This article is from the Tuva FAQ, by Kerry Yackoboski kerryy@nortel.ca with numerous contributions by Bernard Greenberg, Bernard Dubriel, Alan Shrives, Kevin Williams, Albert Kuvezin, Dr Oliver Corff, Mike Vande Bunt, Ralph Leighton, Masahiko Todoriki, Alan Leighton, Ken Simon, and Sami Jansson.

10: Travel To Tuva: Guides And References

Buy your maps in your home country, or in Moscow. Topographical
maps are hard to come by in Tuva. When you meet people along the
road and in villages, you will be proud to show off with your 1:1
000 000 scale map from the US Defence Mapping Agency.

The Lonely Planet guidebook for Russia is has seven pages on Tuva
(seven among 1200) but they are useful and include a map of

Some experienced travellers are now leading tours into Tuva. We
can not give first-hand recommendations for anyone, but we will
not list anyone who has not already travelled into Tuva.

* Gary Wintz
o 1247 Lincoln Bl. PMB 232 Santa Monica, CA 90401 tel/fax
310.822.7908 email: globalgary@email.com
* Sasha Lebedev
o An independent guide who has worked with Catapult
Adventures for 6 years. Email: alebedev@techmarket.ru


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