
previous page: 04 Visiting the Keys (Key West)
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05 Is Key West a Resort?


This article is from the Key West FAQ, by Rob Miracle rwm@MPGN.COM with numerous contributions by others.

05 Is Key West a Resort?

No! Hilton Head Is. SC is a resort. Key West is a small town where
people work and live. People are born here, and live here all their
lives. There are schools, and car dealers, and other things that a
small town would have. Key West's main industry is tourisim, but the
island is not littered with time-shares and golf-courses. It is a
peaceful sub-tropical fishing village.

Where is a Good/Cheap place to stay?

There are too many places and they change their rates too often to
keep track of. The best bet is to get a AAA Tour Book of Florida or
call the Key West Chamber of Commerce (305-294-2587). There is an 800
number that one can call (800) FLA-KEYS. It is reported to be the
Chamber of Commerce, possibly out of Key Largo, that provides
information on all the Keys.

You can also check out some of the commerical web sites listed in
section 6 of this document.


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