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03 Jimmy Buffett and his activities in the Keys (Key West)


This article is from the Key West FAQ, by Rob Miracle rwm@MPGN.COM with numerous contributions by others.

03 Jimmy Buffett and his activities in the Keys (Key West)

Where is Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville Cafe?

Jimmy Buffett's Margritaville Cafe & Gift Shop
500 Duval St.
Key West, FL 33040

Drive down US1 until you get to Key West, turn right (staying on US1
on Roosevelt Blvd., which will eventually turn into Truman Ave. Turn
right on Duval (after passing MM1). Then go about 5 blocks. The
Cafe/Store will be on your left.

What's the food like?

As with any restaurant, they have their specialties, and their
weaknesses. They have their good days and their bad. If you are a
Buffett fan, then you have to go there just out of principle. Main
menu attraction: "Cheese Burger in Paradise"

Does Jimmy live in the Keys?

He owns a house in Key West, however his primary residence is reported
to be split between Nashville, TN and West Palm Beach, FL.

What is the Coconut Telegraph?

The Coconut Telegraph is the official News Letter for JB. You can
subscribe to it by writing or calling. There is a small fee, but like
any thing else the terms are subject to change.

How do I reach the Coconut Telegraph?

The Coconut Telegraph
424 Fleming St.
Key West, FL 33040
(305) 292-8402


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