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Where can I find the European Parliament on the net?


This article is from the European Union FAQ, by Roland Siebelink & Bart Schelfhout with numerous contributions by others.

Where can I find the European Parliament on the net?


Many of the civil servants working at the European Parliament have an email
address with a gateway to the Internet, in the +gw.europarl.org; zone. MEPs
and their assistants are less likely to be reachable. You could try to ask
the <postmaster@gw.europarl.org> for a specific person's email address.


The European Parliament is currently preparing its own WorldWideWeb presence
on the Internet. Up to now, there are only the following electronic
information services which are not available on the Internet:

News and general press information is available in the menu-based EPISTEL
system, available via X.25 and PSTN. Subscription is free for accredited
journalists; others pay ECU 100/month. Information: tel.+32.2.2842128,
fax +32.2.2305808.

EPOQUE is a documentary database produced by the European Parliament. Its
first objective is to make information easily accessible internally, but
it is also intended to provide information on the EP activities to the
outside world. Access is free, but requires previous registration; EPOQUE
is available through PSTN in Luxembourg and through X.25. Information:
fax +352.439317.


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