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4.1.7 Membership


This article is from the Table Tennis (Ping Pong) FAQ, by ttennis@bu.edu with numerous contributions by others.

4.1.7 Membership

When there is a foundation membership and the club is meeting regularly,
each member should be inspired to attract new members. When that potential
member comes to the meeting, make him feel comfortable. Pay attention to
him. Don't be too pushy but see to it that he has an opportunity to get in
on the action.

Another nice touch for the guest and new member is a club fact sheet. It
should include:

A list of current members, addresses, and phone numbers
A short history of the club
Regular meeting times
Copy of the by-laws (if any)
Dues and any special fees
List of events for the upcoming year

In addition to the fact sheet, you may consider having membership
certificates to present to new members.

The club president and secretary should be keeping a membership file. A
simple method is to use a 3" x 5" index card, or you may want to use a
computer data base. The information which should be included is the
member's name, address, phone number, date he joined, and birthday.

Some additional thoughts on new members:

Call to remind them of the meeting.

In some cases, you might offer transportation.

Be certain he/she is introduced to other club members. Let him/her know
that he/she is an important asset to the club.

Get his/her name into some of the club's activity stories in a club
newsletter or the city paper.

After he/she has been to a few meetings, put him/her to work on a
committee or project.

Remember - developing membership is an ongoing activity: "The road to
success is always under construction".


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