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4.1.6 Selecting Committee Members


This article is from the Table Tennis (Ping Pong) FAQ, by ttennis@bu.edu with numerous contributions by others.

4.1.6 Selecting Committee Members

When deciding who should do what, it is important to keep in mind an
individual's personal interests and talents. Equally important is the
combination of people who can work together. Don't leave the selection of
committee members to chance - give it some hard thought. Instructing the Committee
Each committee must have a clearly-defined area of responsibility. Try to
be certain that committees don't step on each other's toes. It is best to
put the assignments in writing and see to it that each committee member
gets a copy. Committee Operation
The nature of a committee calls for informality and flexibility. Forget
about parliamentary procedure. Keep the atmosphere relaxed and supportive.
The chairperson's role is that of a discussion leader. He must be careful
not to dictate or dominate the committee's activity.

A written agenda will help keep the discussion on course. A committee
secretary should be appointed to keep a detailed record of meetings.

Each committee should have one of the officers as a member. He will have
full voting rights but should not be expected to operate the committee in
the absence of the chairmen.


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