This article is from the Table Tennis (Ping Pong) FAQ, by with numerous contributions by others.
For your story to receive proper attention from the editor, the copy must
be prepared in a professional manner. Use plain white 8 1/2" x 11" paper
or your club letterhead. Don't use onionskin or erasable paper.
Side margins of 1 1/2" are standard, and you should start typing the copy
one-third of the way down the first page. The editor needs this space for
a headline and instructions to the printer. At the top of the first page
in the upper left-hand corner, list the name of the club. Beneath that,
list your name, address, and phone number. This information can be
Type the copy double-spaced, and use only one side of the paper. Indent
each paragraph five spaces, and always end each page with a complete
sentence or paragraph. When more than one page is needed, write "More" at
the bottom of the first page and each succeeding page except the last. On
the bottom of the final page, type "######" to indicate the end of your
story. At the top of each new page, write the club name. In the upper
right-hand corner, indicated "Page 2 of 2", etc. Drop down one inch below
this heading and continue the story.
If you use any unusual names, people, or places, type (sic) after them to
indicate that the spelling is correct. Paper clip the pages together -
never use a staple. If it is practical, you should hand carry the release
to the sports editor.
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