This article is from the Table Tennis (Ping Pong) FAQ, by with numerous contributions by others.
If your city has a parks and recreation department, this is the first place
to go. Frequently, the recreation director is responsible for a city
auditorium or recreational facility and may be able to help you. YMCAs,
Boy's Clubs, churches, and schools are good prospects. These organizations
usually welcome activities that are youth- and family-oriented.
It seldom occurs that a group exhausts the public building search without
finding a place to play. If that happens, don't give up. In almost any
town, there are merchants who have an upstairs room they don't use. The
members may have to do some work to get it into playing condition, but this
labor should go some distance in paying the rent. Be aware that you may
also be responsible for some utilities.
Whatever you end up with, be certain to give credit to the building
proprietor in your news releases. This creates considerable goodwill.
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