
previous page: 4.1.11 Where to Play
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This article is from the Table Tennis (Ping Pong) FAQ, by ttennis@bu.edu with numerous contributions by others. Facility Requirements

Low Cost - This means that you will be looking for some kind of public
building (i.e., city auditorium, school gym, or church basement). To
provide funds for rental, it may be necessary to have a small per-night
playing fee collected from each player.

Physical Attributes - The minimum floor space for each table is 25 feet
long by 13 feet wide. The ceiling should be no less than 10 feet high and
uncluttered over the playing area. Wood floors are best, tile next, and
then concrete (avoid carpet). Make arrangements to have access to a dry
mop and a wet mop to clean the floor before and after you play. A clean
floor will benefit the players, and the building proprietor will appreciate
the club's efforts in caring for the building.

Usually, you can do little to increase the lighting in a public building.
It won't hurt to ask if you can clean the fixtures and install higher
wattage bulbs. Incandescent lights are preferable over fluorescent, and
all lights should be shade if possible.

Make sure the playing site has restrooms.


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