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This article is from the Table Tennis (Ping Pong) FAQ, by ttennis@bu.edu with numerous contributions by others. Finances: Bookkeeping

Club bookkeeping requires a great deal of attention. While it is not
expected that the secretary/treasurer become a CPA, the lack of accurate
records can be the cause of friction among members.

The secretary/treasurer, by election, becomes the club's chief financial
officer. However, he/she should not be expected to work alone. Another
member should be appointed to assist the treasurer in record-keeping and
paying the bills. This will relieve the burden of responsibility if a
mistake is made.

There are three tools needed for the bookkeeping job. They are:

Two-signature checking account. All bills must be paid by check. This
will provide a record of payment. The two-signature check diminishes the
opportunity for error.

Permanently-bound, double-entry ledger book. This is used to keep a
running total of expenses and income. It should be kept up to date with
each item received and each check written.

Large manila envelope. The envelope is used to file all bills and
receipts. No item relating to the club's finances should be thrown away.


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