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2.2.2 Organizational


This article is from the Table Tennis (Ping Pong) FAQ, by ttennis@bu.edu with numerous contributions by others.

2.2.2 Organizational District Affiliate - Any association covering an area not
exceeding one-third of the tournament regional area as defined by the
Tournament Committee. New application must be made to the Affiliates Committee
Chairman showing the consent of at least two-thirds of the affiliated
clubs or, in districts that have less than three clubs, two-thirds of
the USATT Adult members in the district. A member of a District
Affiliate must be a USATT member. Standing Rule - Once a district association has been
approved, any future or renewal of club affiliations within the
district must have the approval of the District Affiliate. Whether
the club must be a member of the District Affiliate to become a
USATT-affiliated club will be determined by the District Affiliate.
Any club that becomes a member of the District Affiliate must apply
for USATTaffiliation within two months. A club has the right to
appeal to the USATT Affiliates Committee if its request to affiliate
with the USATT is refused by the District Affiliate. The following must be submitted to the Affiliates Committee
within five years of a previous approval: Application by the District Affiliate for renewal of its
status. A signed statement from the presidents of at least two-
thirds of the member clubs in the district stating that they request
such affiliation. (See By-Law2.2.2.2). A copy of the District Affiliate's constitution and by-
laws, which must not be in conflict with the USATT Constitution and
By-Laws. Names and addresses of the District Affiliate's officers
showing the affiliated club, if any, to which each of these officers
belong. Each affiliated club in the district will be represented on
the governing body of the District Affiliate. Each District Affiliate will have jurisdiction within its own
district over such matters as state or district rankings and location
of all tournaments within its area except three-, four-, and five-star
events as described in the Tournament Guide. Each District Affiliate must abide by all provisions of the
USATT Constitution and By-Laws, the Laws of Table Tennis, and the
rulings of the USATT Executive Committee. District Affiliates may charge district membership fees from
any entrant in any sanctioned open tournament if the entrant has
resided for the previous three months within the geographical
boundaries of the district. Club

A member club will have playing headquarters and mailing address. A new member club will receive a free copy of the USATT
Handbook. The member club affiliation fee will be as defined in the Fee
Schedule. A member club will receive one year's free affiliation
after continuous affiliation for five years. Member clubs will receive 15% of all USATT membership income
they collect, including that collected at tournaments, if remitted to
the USATT within 28 days. Member clubs may not charge club membership fees from any
entrant in an open tournament. Group B - Multi-sport organizations that conduct programs in
table tennis may become GroupB members as defined by the U. S. Olympic
Committee. The GroupB affiliation fee will be as defined in the Fee
Schedule. A USATT GroupB member will receive notice of all Executive
Committee meetings and may send one representative. GroupB
representatives as a whole will be limited to one vote. When more
than one GroupB organization are USATT members, GroupB representatives
will elect one delegate, known as the GroupB Vice President, to cast
their vote. Expenses of GroupB members and the GroupB Vice President
to the E.C. meetings will be borne by the GroupB organization(s).

2.3.1 Organizational affiliations are valid for one year except for
club multiple memberships.

2.3.2 No affiliate may deny membership to eligible individuals without
just cause, such cause subject to review and adjudication by the USATT
Executive Committee.

2.3.3 An affiliate will have the power to expel, suspend, or declare
ineligible any one of its members for violation of the USATT
Constitution and By-Laws or its own constitution and by-laws, subject
to the conditions in By-Laws2.3.3.1 and the alleged violation occur in the jurisdiction of
another affiliate, the latter will first be consulted by the affiliate
of which the accused is a member. a penalty is decreed, the accused member will be
notified in writing of the article or law which he is accused of
violating and will be given the opportunity for a hearing as described
in Article1.3.2. any affiliate wishes to impose its penalty outside its
direct jurisdiction, it will submit the matter to the USATT
Disciplinary Committee Chairman along with a description of the action
already taken, requesting approval for the wider penalty. The
Disciplinary Committee may accept, reject, or modify the suggested
penalty before making its recommendation to the USATT E.C.

2.3.4 Misuse or alteration of a USATT membership card voids it and
makes the offender liable for disciplinary action.

2.3.5 The USATT Executive Committee will have the power to discipline
a member for violation of the USATT Constitution and By-Laws or for
unbecoming conduct. This discipline may be expulsion, suspension,
probation, a fine, or loss of eligibility for any or all benefits of

2.3.6 In all cases of disciplinary action, whether by the E.C. or by
an affiliate, the accused member will be notified of the charges in
writing and will be given an opportunity for a hearing, as required by
Article1.3.2 of the Constitution.

2.4.1 The USATT will operate under a budget approved by the E.C. to 1% of the annual budget will be allocated to the
President for discretionary use. This is limited as described in the
Fee Schedule, and each use must be reported to the E.C. Use of this
fund will be a separate item in the Treasurer's report.

2.4.2 The budget will be presented annually at the fall (before
December31 of each year) E.C. meeting and will be valid until
superseded. regard will be given by the E.C. to the financial stability
of the USATT prior to authorizing expenditures beyond the budget
limitations. fiscal year will be from January1 to December31.

2.4.3 Members will not be financially or otherwise liable for
corporate obligations.

2.4.4 Officers and Committee Chairmen will submit itemized statements
of authorized expenses to the Treasurer for reimbursement.

2.4.5 Methods of financing the USATT and its affiliates will not
involve control by commercial interests or organizations.

2.4.6 No part of the net income of the USATT will inure to the benefit
of any individual or corporation.

2.4.7 Upon the liquidation of the USATT, the net assets will inure to
the benefit of the affiliates or to any organizations exempt from the
payment of federal income tax as may be specified by the E.C.

2.4.8 All fees will be recorded in a document separate from the USATT
Handbook, known as the Fee Schedule. The contents of the Fee Schedule
will be defined by a standing rule.

2.4.9 Major unbudgeted receipts (including proceeds from the USOC's
allotment of the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee profits and
endowments) will be invested in a foundation, from which up to 90% of
the interest may accrue to the USATT treasury by agreement with the
foundation trustees. 2.5.1 The USATT E.C. may enter into a contract
with an individual or corporation only after the proposed contract has
been reviewed and approved by a lawyer, preferably the USATT legal

2.5.2 With the exceptions in By-Law2.5.2.1, no USATT member or
employee may enter into written or verbal contract on behalf of the
USATT without an authorization passed by vote of the Executive
Committee. equipment and advertising contracts may be signed by
the Equipment Chairman and the National Publication editor,

2.6.1 There will be three or four regular meetings per year, of which
one, the summer meeting, will begin no earlier than when the
newly-elected officers take office and no later than August15.

2.6.2 At least one of the regular meetings will not be held in
conjunction with a tournament.

2.6.3 The President may at his discretion and will, upon a petition of
a majority of the E.C., call a special meeting at any other time and
will hold it if a quorum can attend.

2.6.4 For E.C. members, excluding the GroupB Vice President, and for
the Executive Director, full hotel and travel expenses will be

2.6.5 Standing Rule: A legal proxy to an entire E.C. meeting is
entitled to expenses as if he were an E.C. member.

2.6.6 A quorum will consist of a simple majority of the current roster
of the E.C.

2.6.7 Robert's Rules of Order - Newly Revised will apply in all cases
of procedure except as covered by the USATT Constitution and By-Laws
and the ITTF Constitution.

2.6.8 Proxies will be allowed at E.C. meetings only on matters listed
in the published agenda or may be limited to specific subjects shown
on the proxy note. No proxy will be given to another E.C. member nor
will one person have more than one proxy. A proxy will not be used to
determine a quorum. See also By-Law

2.6.9 Mail votes will be allowed between meetings. Mail votes on
amendments must conform to By-Law2.7.3.

2.6.10 Subject to the exceptions in By-Laws2.6.10.1 and,
meetings of the E.C. will be open to USATT members, but only
E.C. members or their designated proxies will participate in the
discussion. The President may in writing invite guests, who may discuss
only items pertinent to the invitation. A meeting may be restricted to E.C. members and proxies on a
majorityvote of those members present, not counting proxies.


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