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1.16 Membership


This article is from the Table Tennis (Ping Pong) FAQ, by ttennis@bu.edu with numerous contributions by others.

1.16 Membership

1.16.1 Eligibility Any organisation representative of table tennis in a territory and
observing the principles of the ITTF may be elected a member but it
shall be recognised as representative only of the territory in which
it controls the sport. Where one or more Associations in membership represent table tennis in
only part of an area generally regarded as constituting a unity, an
Association representing the sport in any other part of the same unity
may apply for membership, provided that its separateness is due to
circumstances outside the sport and outside the control of the players
concerned, that the jurisdiction it claims is clearly limited, in title
and constitution, to the territory in which it controls the sport and
that it is otherwise qualified for membership. In the consideration of
an application from such an organisation the views of any Association
already in membership from the same unity shall be taken into account. Where there is doubt whether an organisation, otherwise qualified for
membership, fully controls table tennis in a territory, that
organisation may be elected to "membership in good standing"; such
membership shall carry all the rights and obligations of full
membership, except that the Association shall have only one vote at a
General Meeting and membership shall be subject to review at each BGM. Where a member in good standing shall have shown itself loyal to the
principles of the ITTF, where there is no other body operating in the
territory in accordance with these principles and where the limitation
of its whole conduct of the sport in the territory is due to
circumstances outside its control, the membership in good standing may
be changed to full membership at review. In no circumstances shall two Associations be recognised as exercising
authority over the same territory. An organisation located outside the territory of any Association may
be granted temporary attachment to an Association for the purpose of
receiving aid in development and competition; the extended territory
shall be regarded as being within the member's control, but approval
of attachment shall be reviewed at each BGM and shall not be renewed

1.16.2 Application and Election Applications for membership shall be made on a form approved by the
Council. All applications shall be submitted not later than six calendar months
before the date of the General Meeting at which the application is to
be considered. The Executive Board shall review all applications on behalf of the
Council and make recommendations on acceptance. Applications for membership shall be considered by the next BGM and
shall be accepted if they receive at least two-thirds of the votes
cast. In the consideration of an application in respect of an area for
which there is a recognised Continental Federation, the views of that
Federation shall be taken into account. In the consideration of applications for combined membership by
Associations formerly in separate membership, or for separate
membership by Associations which were formerly components of an
Association which has divided, or for recognition of changes in the
territory in which an Association controls the sport, the views of the
players and organisations concerned and any circumstances outside their
control shall be taken into account; secession in other circumstances
is not to be encouraged. The Council may, by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, elect an
applicant to "provisional membership", which shall entitle the
Association to attend the next BGM, without voice or vote, and to
compete meanwhile in all events except World Championships. An Association in provisional membership may compete also in the
following World Championships, subject to the assent of the Association
organising these Championships, provided that no vote is cast against
the election and that the application is received not later than six
calendar months before the opening date of the Championships. The representatives of an Association elected to membership at a
General Meeting shall be entitled to attend the meeting and to vote
after election. Election and membership of an Association shall not carry any
implications in respect of the political, diplomatic or national status
of the area concerned, but only to its conduct of table tennis therein.

1.16.3 Suspension and Termination An Association wishing to resign from the ITTF shall give notice in
writing to the Secretary-General; the resignation may take effect at
any time from the receipt of such notice until the 31st December of the
same year but the Association shall be liable for the subscription due
for that year. An Association which fails to pay its subscription for three successive
years shall automatically be suspended from membership; it shall not be
liable for subscriptions during the period of suspension and may be
re-admitted to membership on payment of part or all of the
subscriptions previously due, at the discretion of the Council. An Association which is suspended from membership shall not have the
right to enter or nominate players for any event held under the
jurisdiction of the ITTF nor to attend or be represented at a General
Meeting; An Association which seriously and persistently fails to maintain the
principles or to respect the regulations and decisions of the ITTF may
be expelled by a majority of three fourths of the votes cast at a
General Meeting.

1.16.4 Personal Honorary Membership Officials who have given long, outstanding service to the ITTF may,
on retirement, be appointed Personal Honorary Members for their
life-time by the BGM on a recommendation by the Council. Personal Honorary Members shall be entitled to attend World
Championships, with free hospitality, and to attend General Meetings
with the right to speak but not to vote.


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