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1.10 Olympics Commission


This article is from the Table Tennis (Ping Pong) FAQ, by ttennis@bu.edu with numerous contributions by others.

1.10 Olympics Commission

1.10.1 The Olympics Commission shall consist of the Officers and a
representative of the country organising the next Olympic Games, but
any Vice-President may nominate a representative to attend a meeting
in his place or act on his behalf.

1.10.2 The Commission shall be responsible for: the planning, control and supervision of the table tennis events in
the Olympic Games; liaison with, as appropriate, the International Olympic Committee
(IOC), National Olympic Committees (NOCs) and Associations on all
matters concerning Olympic competitions; enforcement of the eligibility regulations and confirmation of the
eligibility of entrants for Olympic events; submission to the IOC of amendments to the eligibility regulations,
as agreed by the BGM; drafting and submission to the BGM of proposals for a qualifying system
for entry into Olympic events; appointment of a Jury, technical representatives and officials for
the table tennis events; generally ensuring that the table tennis events at Olympic Games
comply with the letter and the spirit of the Olympic Charter.

1.10.3 The Commission shall meet during the period of the BGM and at other
times when convened by the President.

1.10.4 The Secretary-General shall attend all meetings of the Commission and
shall draft its Minutes and Reports.

1.10.5 The Commission shall submit a written report to the BGM and, in the
intervening years, to the Council.


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