This article is from the Mountain Biking FAQ, by Vincent Cheng.
-Instead of staring at the edge of the trail, look forward and ahead.
You will ride straighter that way.
-You will notice that the middle of the trail is usually rutted. This
may cause problems during turns if you go on the inside. Instead, try
taking the outside line the whole turn.
-Some single tracks are too narrow and too hard to ride. If that's the
case, don't risk a fall. Walk it.
-If you ride a lot of single track, you might want to reduce the width of
the bar to reduce the chance of your hands hitting branches. Also,
L-shaped barends help a lot.
-Always wear eye protection. You will need it.
Others add:
Bill Rod [smts!]
-Don't sightsee, your bike will go wherever you look. "Look at the tree, hit
the tree"
-If you are unable to clean an obstacle, get off and climb over it. DO NOT
ride around the obstacle, thereby creating a braid. This leads to
erosion and angry Park Managers, not to mention trail maintenance people.
-On twisty singletrack, try getting your butt an inch or two off the saddle.
This allows you to more easily use body english for maneuvering the bike.
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