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2J. Bunny hopping


This article is from the Mountain Biking FAQ, by Vincent Cheng.

2J. Bunny hopping

Two ways to do this:
The real way:
-Level the pedals
-Compress your body down and also the tires by pushing down and bending
your knees and arms.
-When you want to take off, pull the handlebar to your chest and move
your weight back. This will give you a small wheelie.
-When you are going up, push the bar up and forward, twisting the grip
at the same time. While you are doing this, unweight the back end of the
bike by leaning forward and really extend your arms. The saddle might
hit your chest, but that's ok.
-Relax your body before hitting the ground.
-Land with some weight in the back so that the back wheel hits the ground
first. Make sure your front wheel is straight before you land.

The SPD/toe-clip way:
-Again, preload your body by coiling down and pressing real hard down.
-Instead of doing all the weight shifting, just jump and yank up real hard.
-Landing is the same.


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