Martial Arts FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about Martial Arts
This FAQ about Martial Arts was compiled and written by Matthew
Weigel with numerous contributions by others.
Disclaimer and Copyright Notice
Some answers given may reflect personal biases of the author and the
martial arts FAQ listing's contributors. The answers contained herein
pertain to discussions on the rec.martial-arts group, and are by no
means exhaustive.
The martial arts FAQ list owes its existence to the contributors on
the net, and as such it belongs to the readers of rec.martial-arts.
Copies may be made freely, as long as they are distributed at no
charge, and the disclaimer and the copyright notice are included.
- 1) Introduction
- This FAQ is not intended to be a Martial Arts Bible, but to give ...
- 1.1) What's with all of the off-topic posts? (rec.martial-arts)
- The Usenet is famous for topic drift, when people make small asides ...
- 1.2) How do I post? (rec.martial-arts.moderated)
- Simply post to the group as you would any other. The difference ...
- 1.3) How do I contact the moderators? (rec.martial-arts.moderated)
- Send technical complaints to
- 1.4) What is the procedure for approval or rejection?
- Shortly after you submit your post you should receive an e-mail ...
- 1.5) Why was my post rejected? (rec.martial-arts.moderated)
- Your post will be rejected if it does not conform to the charter....
- 1.6) Why aren't I receiving acknowledgement messages?
- (rec.martial-arts.moderated)...
- 1.7) Why don't I see my posts right away?
- (rec.martial-arts.moderated)...
- 2) What is a Martial Art?
- A Martial Art can be defined as a system of techniques, physical ...
- 3) What kind of Martial Arts are there?
- There are many ways in which martial arts can be divided. Here are ...
- 4) Which Martial Art should I study?
- That's a question that only you can answer, maybe with a little ...
- 5) How do I choose a School?
- This question is integrally linked with Question 4 Which Martial ...
- 5a) The environment where you will learn and train
- Don't get impressed by the size of the place - just be sure that ...
- 5b) The people that will be your partners
- Go, watch some classes (without participating), then ask ...
- 5c) The Instructor
- - -You'll need some basic trust in the individual, as a beginning....
- 5d) The logistics of the School
- -
- 6a) This guy says that his style will make a Full Certified Warrior & Killer out of me in 3 months---is it serious?
- In short: NO....
- 6b) What do I do to become the deadliest person in the world ?
- In brief: You can't. While a Martial Artist does learn combat skills,...
- 7) Should children study Martial Arts?
- In general, yes. Some of the possible positives would be control ...
- 8) I believe/don't believe in X. Should I train in Y?
- Some martial arts have philosophical and/or religious roots ...
- 9) Rankings/Color Belt Systems
- Many arts have a ranking system. A typical ranking from beginner ...
- 10) What is Greenoch?
- The truth is: Greenoch doesn't exist. It first appeared in a post ...
- 11) What is Ki/Qi/Chi?
- There are no absolute right answers to this question. Instead ...
- 12) Martial Arts Glossary
- English:
- 13) A small bibliography:
- _The Original Martial Arts Encyclopedia: Tradition, History,...
- 14.2) FAQ ftp site
- The rec.martial-arts FAQ and Newbie Guide are available ...
- 14.3) Aikido Dojo Directory
- The Aikido Dojo Directory Listings is FTP'able in ASCII format from:...
- 14.4) Classical Japanese Martial Arts Electronic Magazine
- _Budo Shinbun_ is an entirely electronic magazine devoted to ...
- 14.5) Traditional Karate Mailing List
- Another discussion forum, this time a bit more specialized, is ...
- 14.6) Aikido-L Mailing List
- For those of you interested in an open Internet e-mail discussion list ...
- 14.7) Tuite/Acupuncture Discussion Group
- 14.8) The Martial Arts Digest
- To subscribe to Martial-Arts-Digest, send the command: ...
- 14.9) Jujutsu and Kokikai Aikido Mailing Lists
- To join one of the following lists, send an interactive message (...
- 14.10) Japanese Sword Arts Mailing List and FTP site
- iaido-l Japanese Sword Arts Mailing ...
- 14.11) Chinese Shao-lin Center Electronic Mail List (CSC-List)
- PURPOSE: To provide information, class and training schedules ...
- 14.12) Martial Arts and Sword/TV and Film Mailing List
- To sign up, send a message to, and write in ...
- 14.13) Taichichuan Mailing List
- A talk/discussion group of individuals interested in the art, history,...
- 14.14) Neijia (Internal Chinese Martial Arts) Mailing List
- Neijia (internal chinese martial arts) mailing list can be ...
- 14.15) Kyudo (Japanese Archery) Mailing List
- Kyudo, or Japanese archery, mailing list. This list is a general ...
- 14.16) Korean Martial Arts Mailing List
- Do you practice Korean martial arts? e.g. Tang Soo Do, HwaRang Do, ...
- 14.17) Eskrima/Kali/Arnis Mailing List
- Do you practice Eskrima, Escrima, Kali, Arnis, Dumog or some ...
- 14.18) Martial Arts WWW pages
- GroundAndPound: covers news,...
- 14.19) Kung Fu Mailing List
- The Kung Fu Mailing List is for the discussion of all ...
- 14.20) Taekwondo Net Forum Mailing List
- The Taekwondo Net Forum is a mailing list discussion forum ...
- 14.21) Kempo Mailing List
- The Kempo mailing list is an e-mail discussion group open to ...
- 14.22) Tuite-Ki Mailing List
- 'Tuite_Ki' was founded April 5, ...
- 15a) Sources for Material & Equipment in North America
- Academy of Karate Martial Arts Supplies 405 Black Horse Pike ...
- 15b) Sources for Material & Equipment: Scandanavian Sources
- (most from a MA chain store called SBI)...
- 16) What are the different Arts, Schools and Styles?
- This is a question with many, many answers---some could say that ...
- 16.1) Aikido
- (contributors: Eric Sotnak -,...
- 16.2) Baguazhang (Pa Kua Chang)
- (Contributors: William Breazeal -,...
- 16.3) Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
- (Contributor: Don Geddis -
- 16.4) Bushidokan
- (Contributor: Bob Blount -
- 16.5) Capoeira
- (Contributors: Daniel C. Sobral -,...
- 16.6) Cha Yon Ryu
- (Contributor: Ross Deforrest -
- 16.7) Cuong Nhu (pronounced "Kung New")
- (Contributors: Elizabeth Roman and Robert First -...
- 16.8) Daito Ryu Aiki-Jujustu
- (Contributors: Torben Alstrup/Ole Kingston -
- 16.9) Gatka
- (Contributor: Arun Singh -
- 16.10) HapKiDo
- (Contributors: Randy Pals -,...
- 16.11) Hwa Rang Do
- (Contributor: Carsten Jorgensen -
- 16.12) Iaido
- (Contributor: Al Bowers -
- 16.13) Judo
- (Contributors: Neil Ohlenkamp -,...
- 16.14) Jujutsu
- (Contributor: Darren Wilkinson -
- 16.15) Kajukenbo
- (Contributors: Peter Jason Ward - ironmarshal+@CMU.EDU,...
- 16.16) Kali/Escrima/Arnis
- (Contributors: Andy Maddox - modsox@clark....
- 16.17) Karate
- (Contributors: Howard S. High -,...
- 16.18) Kendo
- (Contributor: Al Bowers -
- 16.19) Kenjutsu
- (Contributor: Al Bowers -
- 16.20) Kenpo (American - see also Kajukenbo)
- (Contributor: Stephen Kurtzman -
- 16.21) Kempo (Kosho Ryu)
- Contributor: Mark Edward Bober (
- 16.22) Kempo (Ryukyu)
- (Contributor: Al Wilson -
- 16.23) Kobudo
- (Contributors: Steve Gombosi -,...
- 16.24) Krav Maga
- (Contributor: Peter Muldoon -
- 16.25) Kyudo
- (Contributor: E.Clay Buchanan -
- 16.26) Lua
- (Contributor: Stephen Kurtzman -
- 16.27) MMA/NHB(Contributors: Rob Meyer -,Christopher Kallini -
- Intro:
- 16.28) Moo Do
- (Contributor: Eric S. Raymond -
- 16.29) Muay Thai
- (Contributors: Peter Hahn -,...
- 16.30) Ninjutsu
- (Contributor: Joachim Hoss -, Adam James McColl -...
- 16.31) Praying Mantis (Tanglangquan/Tanglangpai)
- (Contributor: Fernando Blanco -
- 16.32) Pugilism (Bare Knuckle Boxing / Classic Pugilism / Modern Boxing)
- (Contributors: Kirk Lawson <> ,...
- 16.33) ROSS (Russian Martial Art)
- (Contributor: Scott Sonnon -
- 16.34) SAMBO
- (Contributor: Alex Levitas -
- 16.35) Sanshou
- (Contributor: Edmund Tsoi -
- 16.36) Savate
- (Contributor: Tobias Ratschiller -
- 16.37) Shogerijutsu
- (Contributor: Chris Butts -
- 16.38) Shuaijiao
- (Contributor: Bill Norcott -
- 16.39) Silat
- (Contributors: Jeffrey Chapman - jchapman@armory....
- 16.40) Tae-Kwon-Do
- (Contributors: Dakin Burdick -,...
- 16.41) Taijiquan (T'ai Chi Ch'u"an)
- (Contributors: William Breazeal -,...
- 16.42) Historical European Martial Arts
- (Contributors:...
- 16.43) Wing Chun
- (Contributor: Marty Goldberg -
- 16.44) Wushu / Gongfu
- (Contributors: Nick Doan -,...
- 16.45) Xingyiquan (Hsing Yi Ch'uan)
- (Contributor: William Breazeal -
- 16.46) Yoseikan Budo
- (Contributor: Tobias Ratschiller -