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6.2 What are some other methods for judging my workout intensity?


This article is from the Aerobics Fitness FAQ, by oaktree@shell.urjet.net (Robles) with numerous contributions by others.

6.2 What are some other methods for judging my workout intensity?

The Borg scale of perceived exertion is another way of
determining how hard you are working. Using your own
subjective Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) on a scale of
6-20 or a scale of 0-10, you determine how hard you *feel*
you are working. A rating of 12-16 ("somewhat hard" to
"hard" on the 12-20 scale) or a rating of 4-6 ("somewhat
strong" to "very strong") on the 0-10 scale
reflects a heartrate of 60-90% of maximum and should be the
target area for which to strive.

   Original Scale           Revised Scale
   6                        0    Nothing at all
   7   Very, very light     0.5  Very, very weak
   8                        1    Very weak
   9   Very light           2    Weak
   10                       3    Moderate
   11  Fairly light         4    Somewhat strong
   12                       5    Strong
   13  Somewhat hard        6
   14                       7    Very strong
   15  Hard                 8
   16                       9
   17  Very hard            10   Very, very strong
   18                       *    Maximal
   19  Very, very hard

Source: ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and
Prescription, 5th Edition, p. 68, Williams and Wilkins

The talk test is another measure of intensity. You
should be able to talk without gasping for air
while working at optimal intensity. If you cannot, you
should scale down. On the other hand, if you can sing an
aria from Madame Butterfly, then you need to work harder.


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next page: 7.1 I do lots of outer thigh (tummy, buns, etc.) work. Will that part of my body slim down first?