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Official Pro-Gun FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about talk.politics.guns Official Pro-Gun.

This FAQ about talk.politics.guns Official Pro-Gun was compiled and written by Ken Barnes (kebarnes@cc.memphis.edu) with numerous contributions by others.

-1. Personal issues (talk.politics.guns Official Pro-Gun FAQ)
The peaceable part of mankind will be continually overrun by ...
-1.0 "You don't need a gun, the police will protect you."
Recommended reading: In The Gravest Extreme,by Massad ...
-1.1 "Guns aren't effective defensive weapons, and are '43 to 1 times' more likely to kill their owners or family members than they are useful to defend against criminal attack."
See_Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America,by Gary Kleck,...
-1.1.a "Chemical sprays, stun guns, and other nonlethal methods are effective and easy to use in stopping an attacker."
see Ayoob,In The Gravest Extreme(see above) p.35-38....
-1.1.b "2.5 million defensive uses of firearms each year can't be true!"
See Kleck and Gertz (1995), above....
-1.1.c "Is there any independent data that supports Kleck and Gertz?"
See Kleck and Gertz (1995), above....
-1.2 "It's too easy for your attacker to take your gun away from you and shoot you."
See Kleck,Point Blank(see above) p.122....
-1.2.a "Women shouldn't have guns because men will only take them away and use them against them".
-1.3 "Guns are too dangerous to keep in the house if you've got children."
See_Guns, Crime, and Freedom_by Wayne LaPierre, Regnery Books,...
-2. Constitutional issues in the United States (talk.politics.guns Official Pro-Gun FAQ)
Are we at last brought to such a humiliating and ...
-2.0 "The Second Amendment is really just an irrelevant anachronism, but if it has any meaning at all today, it just means that the Federal government can't disarm the National Guard."
See United States Constitution (U.S.C.), Amendment II:...
-2.0.a "What's the deal with the commas, and the hyphen in 'well-regulated'? You gun nuts seem to be obsessed with them."
In summary: Archaic punctuation, usage, and peculiar grammar (...
-2.1 "The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee an individual right."
A few relevant law review articles [from the list given ...
-2.2 "If the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear ordinary military weapons, then everybody can have their own tactical nuclear warhead."
[This is what is known on t.p.g. as the nuclear strawman or Ban guns, ban The Bomb! argument, designed to get everybody off on a tangent about whether or not the U.S. Constitution protects ...
-2.3 "The Second Amendment doesn't apply to state and local governments, so state gun control laws, or local ordinances like the Morton Grove, IL ban on handguns, are constitutional."
See U.S.C. Amendment XIV, sec. 1:...
-3. Other "gun-control" fantasies (talk.politics.guns Official Pro-Gun FAQ)
And so a lot of people say there's too much personal freedom....
-3.0 "Registration of all firearms and ammunition will assist police in solving crimes committed with guns."
See particularly LaPierre,Guns, Crime and ...
-3.0.a "Guns ought to be licensed and registered like cars."
See particularly LaPierre,Guns, Crime, and Freedom,...
-3.0.b "Gun registration reduced homicides in Washington, D.C."
see_Uniform Crime Reports for the United States, 19xx-1994,...
-3.0.c "Putting taggants in explosives and gunpowder will put bomb-making terrorists out of business."
see Taggants in Explosives,Congress of the United States, ...
-3.1 "Guns increase the lethality of crime."
see_The Citizen's Guide to Gun Control,by Franklin E. Zimring and ...
-3.2 "A waiting period saves lives, and it might even have stopped John Hinckley, Jr. from wounding Jim Brady (for whom the Brady national waiting-period law was named)."
See particularly LaPierre,Guns, Crime, and Freedom,...
-3.2.a "The Brady Act stopped thousands of violent felons from getting guns since its enactment in 1993."
see_Uniform Crime Reports for the United States, 1992,(see above)...
-3.3 "No one needs an assault weapon, they have no sporting purpose, they're only intended to kill people."
See particularly LaPierre,Guns, Crime, and Freedom,...
-3.4 "There's certainly no reason to allow the sale of cop-killer ammunition which can penetrate bulletproof vests."
see_Uniform Crime Reports: Law Enforcement Officers ...
-3.4.a "Black Rhino ammunition, made from space age plastics, which can penetrate bulletproof vests and then fragment..."
-3.5 "Cheap handguns, a.k.a. 'Saturday Nite Specials,' are the weapons of choice for violent criminals."
See_Under the Gun: Weapons, Crime, and Violence in America,...
-3.6 "Plastic guns, which can slip through metal detectors..."
see Kleck,Point Blank_p....
-3.6.a "But how could you detect plastic guns?"
Harris, David A., Superman's X-Ray Vision and the Fourth Amendment:...
-3.7 "Gun buy-backs are an effective way to get guns off the street."
See LaPierre,Guns, Crime and Freedom,where he devotes an ...
-3.8 "Permitting people to carry concealed weapons will lead to increased violent crime, and people killing each other at the slightest provocation."
See LaPierre,Guns, Crime and Freedom,where he devotes an ...
-3.8.a "Yeah, but what about the University of Maryland study that showed that murders increased after concealed-carry permits were issued in Florida?
McDowall, David; Wiersema, Brian; and Loftin, Colin; Easing ...
-3.8.b - "The Lott/Mustard study is just gun industry propaganda! How can anybody believe that concealed carry reduces violent crime?"
See Lott, John R., and Mustard, David B., Crime, Deterrence,...
-4. Deterrence and resistance to tyranny (talk.politics.guns Official Pro-Gun FAQ)
-4.0 "Ordinary people can't fight a modern army with just pistols,rifles and shotguns! What chance does a_militia_have against tanks,planes, helicopters, and nuclear weapons?"
See_War in the Shadows: Guerillas Past and Present,2nd. ed....
-99. APPENDIX I - The Biggest Myths of "Gun Control": A Look At U.S. Federal Legislation (talk.politics.guns Official Pro-Gun FAQ)
The Biggest Myths of Gun Control: A Look At U.S. Federal ...
-99. APPENDIX II - Concealed Carry Reality vs. "Gunshine State" Fantasy (talk.politics.guns Official Pro-Gun FAQ)
Murder rates in Florida Cities included in U. Maryland CCW 'study'...
-99. APPENDIX III - "Gun control": international comparisons (talk.politics.guns Official Pro-Gun FAQ)
See_The Samurai, The Mountie, And The Cowboy,by David Kopel,...
-99. APPENDIX IV - Washington, D.C.: a "gun control" paradise (talk.politics.guns Official Pro-Gun FAQ)
Absolute numbers of murders and homicides in the District of Columbia,...
-99. APPENDIX V - The U.S. Supreme Court and the Second Amendment (talk.politics.guns Official Pro-Gun FAQ)
The U.S. Supreme Court, for most of its history, has had no ...
-99. APPENDIX VI - "Pious Frauds: Or, If It Sounds Too Good To Be True..." (talk.politics.guns Official Pro-Gun FAQ)
In the Middle Ages, it seems that every church had a ...
-99. Index and glossary (talk.politics.guns Official Pro-Gun FAQ)
Adams, John (U.S. President, Vice-President to President Washington)...

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