BiSexuality FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about BiSexuality
This FAQ about BiSexuality was compiled and written by Jon Harley with numerous contributions by others.
Copyright (c) Jon Harley 2001. May not be reproduced for profit.
A1. What is bisexuality?- Bisexuality means sexual or romantic attraction or behavior directed ...
A2. What is "a bisexual"?- A strict definition of a bisexual would be someone who has romantic and/...
A3. Is there a difference between "a bisexual", "bisexual" and "bi"?- Yes. Definitions for a bisexual are suggested above - all relating ...
A4. So if I've never slept with a MOTSS/MOTOS, but I feel attracted toone, am I bisexual?- (See section B12 for the definitions of MOTSS/MOTOS)...
A5. Aren't bisexuals just going through a phase of being confused about their sexuality?- The simple answer is no or at least not necessarily - many of us ...
A6. Aren't bisexuals really denying their homosexuality?- It's difficult for some lesbian/gay people to come to grips with ...
A7. Are bisexuals equally attracted to both sexes?- Many bisexuals feel they have a preference for one sex over the other, ...
A8. Do bisexuals have to have lovers of both sexes to be bisexual?- No. People who call themselves bisexual are saying that they are attracted ...
A9. Are bisexuals capable of monogamy?- Yes, some are. It depends on the individual. It's like asking Can a ...
A10. But if they're monogamous, how can they be bisexual?- A bisexual deciding to be monogamous is not deciding to be gay ...
A11. Isn't everyone really bisexual?- Not by any useful definition. A useful definition of bisexuality might be,...
A12. Why do you think bi issues are different from gay issues, since all your problems come from the same source, homophobia?- While homophobia is a bi issue (many would say the biggest issue), we do ...
A13. Why would lesbians/gay men discriminate against bisexuals?- One reason is because we are sometimes perceived as hiding, a sense ...
A14. Why CAN'T you choose one sex over the other?- Some of us have tried, but why should we? Denying our attraction to one sex ...
A15. I've discovered that I'm bisexual - should I tell my family?- Look at your life, and decide that if by telling them you will help yourself,...
A16. Is there really a bisexual community?- You're talking to one right now. We are here to share our lives, ...
A17. Are there any bi-friendly places in real life? - Yes. Some lesbian/gay venues (pubs/bars, clubs, meeting-rooms) ...
A18. Does anyone know of any good books with bisexual characters?- The Bisexual Resources List (cf section A20) gives up-to-date details of ...
A19. What is the Kinsey scale? - Dr. Alfred Kinsey created a scale, graduated between heterosexuality ...
A20. What other resources are available on bisexuality?- There is a great deal of information on all kinds of aspects of ...
B0. The prevailing "etiquette"- This section describes the prevailing etiquette approved by consensus ...
B1. Hi, I'm straight. Is it okay if I post here too?- You do not need to be bisexual to post here and be welcomed. Indeed, ...
B2. Is it okay if I ask you all a few questions about bisexuality?- Please realise that many people who are bisexual (or members of any ...
B3. Would you all please help me with this survey on sexuality?- People post surveys to pretty regularly, so you are not likely to get ...
B4. "How can I pick up some hot bisexual babes for a threesome?"- Don't even THINK about using for picking up casual partners. ...
B5. Is there anything else I should not discuss on While by and large anything goes, any consideration of the morality (...
B6. Why is crossposting a bad idea?- Posting to two or more newsgroups runs a greatly increased risk of ...
B7. Can I post my list of bi wombat fans weekly/monthly?- It is recommended that periodic postings to satisfy at least one of ...
B8. I haven't seen any responses to my posting. Are you all ignoring me?- In all likelihood, people have read your posting but choose not to respond ...
B9. Why is so argumentative at the moment, why can't it always be nice and fluffy?- There is no one single purpose to the newsgroup. Some people like ...
B10. You flamed a newbie! Shouldn't you be more supportive?- is a discussion group, not a support group. This does not mean ...
B11. I'd like to post to but my newsreader won't let me, is there another way? And can I post anonymously?- If your local news server or software won't let you post, and you have a ...
B12. What do all these acronyms mean: MOTSS, MOTOS, SO, TOCOTOX, YASBP, HBB, HNG?- MOTSS: Member(s) Of The Same Sex. Often loosely used to refer to anyone ...
B13. What about: muffin, de-muffining, fluff, bidar, obBi, bidiot, BBQ-ripple, nutella, sock-biter?- muffin: A person who reads but has never posted to De-muffining ...
B14. What do you mean by "monosexual"?- Monosexual is a term which can be used to describe any person whose long-...
B15. What's all this about a cabal?- Some people make jokes about a cabal of people who know each ...
B16. How old is The group was newgrouped on the 22nd October, 1991. Its charter, ...
C1. Frequency and purpose- This FAQ is posted weekly to,news.answers,soc.answers. It is ...
C2. Contributors- These are the people directly involved in developing the FAQ. Although ...