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01 Introduction to alt.self-improve


This article is from the Self Improvement FAQ, by Loren Larsen llarsen@cs.clemson.edu with numerous contributions by others.

01 Introduction to alt.self-improve

The alt.self-improve group provides a forum for discussing strategies,
techniques, and principles for self improvement. The table of contents gives
a good overview of the breadth of topics discussed. This FAQ has been
created to provide a single document that contains a sort of history of what
has been discussed in the newsgroup. New readers may find the answers to
many of their questions already answered in this document. We have attempted
to categorize questions by topic for easy access, but many issues don't fit
neatly into a single category. The contents of this document are collected
by the editors from past postings in alt.self-improve, personal e-mail
correspondence, and outside sources. All suggestions and contributions are
welcome. The newsgroup is not intended for commercial uses or promotion of,
commercial products; however a section has been added to this document with
information about contacting many of the companies whose products, seminars,
or books are discussed in this newsgroup. The last section provides brief
biographical information about some of the self-improvement personalities
frequently mentioned in this group.

This document is still in its infancy. Most of the material collected so
far has been summarized based on past postings to the newsgroup. There are
bound to be a number of errors. The information presented so far is probably
biased toward the interests and perspectives of the editors. Hopefully both
the errors and bias will rapidly be eliminated with your feedback. Please
help to expand and perfect this document by contributing your knowledge.

Quoted articles are acknowledged by placing the poster's name in parentheses
(e.g. (From: llarsen@cs.clemson.edu). Information which is not explicitly
acknowledged has been compiled by the editors from a variety of sources
including past postings, external sources, and reader responses to the

We are considering different methods of compactly recording comments from
a wide variety of sources. One suggestion is to create a rating system
for books, seminars, etc. For example if you have attended a particular
speed reading course or a Tony Robbins seminar, send us your opinion by
rating it on a scale of 1-10. The average could be used as opposed to
a huge collection of personal responses. Any other suggestions are welcome.


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