"Can everyone learn use self hypnosis, and how easy is it?"

Yes, seemingly everyone can use self hypnosis. At least, everyone with anything approaching normal intelligence and who is conscious at least some of the time. Some people are better or faster at it than others, as is true with any skill. Regardless of where you fall on the skill continuum, you will see progress if you use self hypnosis correctly and regularly.

As to the part about self hypnosis being easy, the answer is both yes and no. It is relativelyeasy. That's because, as with any skill, it requires know-how and practice to develop. There is no free lunch, and you should be highly suspicious of any claims that something worthwhile is going to be easy and effortless. Self hypnosis does require some effort because it is a skill and the more you put into it the more you get out. But it is still a heck of a lot easier and faster than trying to do anything with willpower.

"Are meditation and hypnosis different?"

Yes. Meditative states may be similar, but the practice of hypnosis is significantly different in that it is driven by suggestion. With hypnosis there is specific work to be done. In addition, the brain state also seems to be somewhat different between hypnosis and meditation according to measures with EEGs, scans, and other forms of feedback. It is not uncommon for people who do both to keep them separate, so there is obviously a subjective sense that there is a difference.

"Do I have to believe in hypnosis for it to work?"

Nope. The degree of hypnotizability seems to be completely unrelated to the degree of belief in it. Some amazing results from hypnotic suggestion have been demonstrated by people who adamantly claimed they were not hypnotized and who were convinced that nothing had happened.

Willingness, though, is another matter. If you don't want to be hypnotized (and you are aware that that is what is going on), then you won't be.

"How long does it take?"

The skill part of self hypnosis requires time to develop, and some people take longer than others to get good at it. We don't know why. It is not related to intelligence (within normal bounds) or any other variable that has been reliably and consistently identified. Some people see results immediately, while others may take several days or even weeks to notice a difference. With proper application and daily practice, though, you should begin to see definite results within 21 days at the outside.

The daily practice takes longer at first, then gradually requires less and less time. A half-hour a day is a good starting schedule. Self hypnosis adepts who have been at it for years can do it very quickly if they must, taking only a matter of seconds or, at the most, a couple of minutes.

"Should I make an induction tape to listen to?"

It is true that one of the most effective ways to develop self hypnosis is to have a skilled, professional operator "talk you down," that is, do the induction talk for you. This is especially true when you first start out because you need to be as quiet and passive as possible to get into a self-hypnotic state, but you have to be active to conduct the induction. That is a built-in conflict. It won't stop you, but it does add some time to the learning process. It is better if you can at least start out without this conflict.

I have been making induction scripts available for several years now, and the consensus among most who try their own self-made tapes is that a good, professionally made tape is much better. In fact, I've had many people, who had started with their own self-made tapes, tell me they did much better after they bought a professionally made tape.

Part of the problem with self-made tapes is that most people do not respond well to the sound of their own voice. In addition it does take a lot of practice and control to do an induction talk that is paced right, has the right tone and resonance, and is free of annoying little distractions (telephones, traffic noises, airplanes, lawn mowers, etc.). Go here for a Mini-FAQ about Hypnosis Induction Tapes.

If you want to make your own tape, take a look at an induction talk script.