This article is from the Firewalls FAQ, by Matt Curtin and Marcus J. Ranum with numerous contributions by others.
Some have argued that this is the case. Before pronouncing such a sweeping
prediction, however, it's worthwhile to consider what IPSEC is and what it
does. Once we know this, we can consider whether IPSEC will solve the
problems that we're trying to solve with firewalls.
IPSEC (IP SECurity) refers to a set of standards developed by the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF). There are many documents that collectively
define what is known as ``IPSEC'' [4]. IPSEC solves two problems which have
plagued the IP protocol suite for years: host-to-host authentication (which
will let hosts know that they're talking to the hosts they think they are)
and encryption (which will prevent attackers from being able to watch the
traffic going between machines).
Note that neither of these problems is what firewalls were created to solve.
Although firewalls can help to mitigate some of the risks present on an
Internet without authentication or encryption, there are really two classes
of problems here: integrity and privacy of the information flowing between
hosts and the limits placed on what kinds of connectivity is allowed between
different networks. IPSEC addresses the former class and firewalls the
What this means is that one will not eliminate the need for the other, but
it does create some interesting possibilities when we look at combining
firewalls with IPSEC-enabled hosts. Namely, such things as
vendor-independent virtual private networks (VPNs), better packet filtering
(by filtering on whether packets have the IPSEC authentication header), and
application-layer firewalls will be able to have better means of host
verification by actually using the IPSEC authentication header instead of
``just trusting'' the IP address presented.
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