
previous page: 6.1: What are e-mail and paper addresses, and WWW sites of some vendors? (Geographic Information Systems)
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6.2.1: What public domain or shareware GIS/carto software is available and where is it? (Geographic Information Systems)


This article is from the Geographic Information Systems FAQ, by Lisa Nyman lnyman@census.gov with numerous contributions by others.

6.2.1: What public domain or shareware GIS/carto software is available and where is it? (Geographic Information Systems)

This list seems to be growing with software that does indeed
have a price, so the wording of the question may be misleading.

See also:

Atlas GIS

You can buy it for $60 from the AAG Microcomputer Specialty Group.
Send all Atlas GIS for DOS orders to
Eugene Turner, Dept of Geography, California State U, Northbridge
CA 91330
E-Mail: eturner@huey.csun.edu
Purchase orders acceptable, but checks perferred.


General Cartographic Transformation Package or GCTP

This is a package of FORTRAN procedures that provides
forward and inverse projection of about 23 cartrographic
projections. It is the "official" system of the National Mapping
Division (NMD) of the US Geological Survey. It also provides
conversion of State Plane Coordinate System. It is documented
with *.txt, *.ps and word processor files as well as hard copy

It is currently available via ftp from:

nmdpow9.er.usgs.gov (
as file public/amdahl/gctpv2.dat

It is also available from:

Phone: 1-800-USA-MAPS Fax:: (703) 648-5548

At the moment, prices for mail-order material is unknown.
For software questions and assistance contact:
Mike Linck
Phone: (703) 648-4667 Fax: (703) 648-4722
E-mail: mlinck@usgs.gov
U.S. Geological Survey
510 National Center
Reston, VA 22092

The General Cartographic Transformation Package (GCTP) was converted to the
C programming language, and several new projections were added. This new
version, GCTPc, is being made available informally by EDC. The directories
and files containing this package are available via anonymous ftp.

Periodic updates and corrections will be put in this directory for access
by the science community. Descriptions of these updates will be added to
the README file in the main directory.

The Package has been tar'd and compressed under the directory name gctpc.
To access GCTPc, retrieve the file gctpc.tar.Z by anonymous ftp from


This file can be retrieved by following these steps:

ftp> cd pub/software/gctpc
ftp> bin
ftp> get gctpc.tar.Z
ftp> quit

Then on a UNIX system type:

% uncompress gctpc.tar
% tar -xvf gctpc.tar



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previous page: 6.1: What are e-mail and paper addresses, and WWW sites of some vendors? (Geographic Information Systems)
page up: Geographic Information Systems FAQ
next page: 6.2.2: What public domain or shareware GIS/carto software is available and where is it? (Geographic Information Systems)