Climate Change FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about some basic climate change topics, including natural and enhanced greenhouse effect, feedbacks, aerosols, natural climatic variability, and ice cores.
This FAQ about some basic climate change topics, including natural and enhanced greenhouse effect, feedbacks, aerosols, natural climatic variability, and ice cores
was compiled and written by Jan Schloerer
with numerous contributions by others.
1. Introduction (Climate change)- By outpouring greenhouse gases humankind has launched an ...
3. The natural greenhouse effect- The sun's radiation, much of it in the visible region of the spectrum,...
4. Tropospheric lapse rate- At any given location, the temperature profile of the air column ...
5. The enhanced greenhouse effect. Radiative forcing- Since around 1800 and especially during the past few decades, ...
6. Climate sensitivity. The modern temperature record- To the best of present knowledge, the so-called equilibrium ...
7. Human-made tropospheric aerosols- Aerosols are tiny (0.001 to 10 micrometres) airborne particles. In ...
8. Ocean and response time (Climate change)- It is not known whether it will take decades or centuries ...
9. Feedbacks: water vapor, ice and snow, clouds (Climate change)- If nothing except surface and air temperature changed (and if human-...
10. The global carbon cycle. Biological feedbacks- Here, it's tempting to list some numbers :-)...
11. Natural climatic variability- What course would earth's temperature have taken without ...
12. Ice record of greenhouse gases and last glaciation- During the past millennium, until about the 19th century, ...
13. Conclusion (Climate change)- We need to know just about everything. ......
14. Further reading. References (Climate change)- Introductory articles, mainly on questions not addressed here:...
15. Some web sites (Climate change)- If this article is too technical for your taste, you might ...
16. Acknowledgements. Administrivia. How to get this file (Climate change)- Acknowledgements: My wife Rosemarie and Dave Halliwell patiently ...