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Scouting: Skits p17


This article is from the Scouting FAQ, by Bill Nelson nelsonb@nospam.aztec.asu.edu, Soaring Golden Eagle eagle@rangernet.org and Alan Houser troop24@emf.net with numerous contributions by others.

Scouting: Skits p17

Toothpaste Skit: In this you need two cups of water and four or more
people. The people in the skit all line up in a row in front of the
audience. The first person in line has water in his cup and the last
person in line has an empty cup with some water hidden in his mouth.

The skit starts off with the narrator saying something about this is a
demonstration of how a person can brush his teeth when there is a
shortage of water. The first person takes a drink of water from his cup
and proceeds to brush his teeth with his finger. After a few seconds he
stops and places his head against the ear of the next person in line and
that person's cheeks begin to bulge out as the first persons deflate.
This person (the second person brushes his teeth with his finger for a
few seconds and then puts his mouth against the next person's ear with
the same results and son on down the line until the last person in line
in reached. This person upon finishing brushing his teeth releases the
water he has in his mouth into the cup in his hand.

Tracks: Two boys enter as if following a trail. They begin to argue over
what kind of tracks they are: "I say they are raccoon tracks" "No
they're wolf tracks" "No they're badger tracks ...". The argument
continues until they are suddenly run over by a train. (Several boys
linked together making chuga choo sounds, boy in front has a flashlight.

Trick or Treat: A child comes home with a bag full of treats. The parent
says that he needs to inspect the candy. Gives excuses for not giving
most of it back. After the child leaves, the parent says that he must do
what he has to do to protect the child and proceeds to eat some of the

Turkey Contest: Four guys dressed up like turkeys waiting for the Best
Turkey Contest with one turkey really strutting his stuff. Feathers can
be made from construction paper and brown type clothes worn. The one
turkey who is strutting his stuff, really wants to win, he preens, even
leaves for a minute coming back with additional stuffing sticking out.
Comments are made about this turkey by the others. The contest begins
and the strutting turkey wins only to find out that the winner gets to
be Thanksgiving Dinner. The turkey starts to run and the judge chases
after him telling the audience how he loves a happy winner.

Twist Mouth Family: A mother and a father had several children, now all
the children had their mouths twisted out of shape except their son
John, who they had sent to college and had just returned. They all got
ready for bed and Mother asked Father to blow out the light. "Yes I
will," was his reply. "I wish you would, "said she. "Well I will," said
he. Father blows upward due to the twist in his mouth. Father asks
mother (use the same sequence of phrases as in the previous sentence),
she blows downward. Mother asks daughter, daughter blows to the right.
Mother asks son (not John) who blows to the left. Finally, John, the
college son is asked. He blows straight and blows out the candle. Father
then says, "What a blessed thing it is to have a son with an education."


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