This article is from the Scouting FAQ, by Bill Nelson, Soaring Golden Eagle and Alan Houser with numerous contributions by others.
Thar's a Bear: the object is to set up a bear warning system. One at a
time set up five to eight fellows standing shoulder to shoulder. The
warning system is set up by having each of them repeating the following
Leader: "Thar's a Bar." (correct pronunciation is important)
Bear Warner: "Whar?" (be certain that he pronounces it correct, if not
correct him.)
Leader: "Over Thar." (pointing with his right hand and arm extended)
A to B: "Thar's a Bar." (at which point he will probably point, so
correct him.)
B: "Whar?"
A: "Over Thar." (now he should point with the arm extended for the rest
of the skit.)
B - C: "Thar's a Bar." ... and so on until the last one says it to the
Go through the same procedure with the left hand. The third time have
both hands extended, right leg extended, bent down. Last time the leader
goes through the ritual, he pushes the guy next to him so that the rest
will fall like dominoes.
Three Against 1000: Three guys all bandaged up and smeared with dirt and
blood come dragging into the meeting with the disbelieving tail the
fantastic battle that they had just gone through. "what a battle, what
fantastic odds, we never should have attempted it in the first place, 3
against a 1000, unbelievable; hamming it up. Finally, one guy says,
"Yeah they were the toughest three guys I've ever seen.
Ticket Line: Fans are standing in line waiting to buy tickets for the
big game, movie, or concert. Four fans are standing in line, saying how
much they want to attend the event and wondering when the ticket window
is going to open to sell tickets. A person walks up to the front of the
line. The fans get upset telling him to not butt in line and to go to
the end of the line and began to shove him back. This person tries once
more to reach the front of the line and then gives up and says something
to the effect; "I'm giving up, they can get someone else to open this
ticket window.
Toothache: A boy with a toothache complains to another boy. The other
boy says he will help and pulls out tooth with a pair of pliers. The boy
with the toothache says wrong tooth. Another person comes along and
gives him some apples saying that will cure his toothache. Boy ends up
with a stomachache.
Another person says to tie a string to his tooth and tie the other end
to a door. The door slams in the face of the boy with the toothache. He
now has a toothache, headache, and a stomachache. Another person enters
with some hedge clippers or a axe or something. He says, "I hear you
have a toothache". The boy with the toothache says, "Not that !" and
runs off the stage.
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