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9 Objectivist community clubs part 4


This article is from the Objectivism Resource Guide FAQ, by Jay Andrew Allen jallen@ingress.com with numerous contributions by others.

9 Objectivist community clubs part 4

9.19 Sacramento Objectivist Society

Meets Monthly
Newsletter: The Egoist

Sacramento Objectivist Society
949 University Avenue, #210
Sacramento, California 95825

9.20 SARPO

Swiss Society for the Study of Ayn Rand's Philosophy: Objectivism (French,
German and Italian translation available upon request :-)

"We meet fortnightly, on Saturday, rotating among various cities: Basel, Biel,
Neuchatel. Current activities: studying OPAR, individual presentations,
listening to taped lectures, watching good movies, eating good food.


"Magnus Kempe CH--1416 Pailly Switzerland phone: +41 21 887 8442"

(Write-up by Magnus Kempe)

9.21 Southern California Objectivist Association (SCOA)

"SCOA has a quarterly newsletter, a PhoneNet which announces fast- breaking
(usually local) news, many ongoing activist projects, activities at The
Jefferson School, annual Picnics, Christmas Parties, and Beach Parties, and
chances to meet Objectivist intellectuals and discuss important ideas at our

"We are beginning our seventh year and we have almost 300 members and a mailing
list of over 600.

"To get a copy of our newsletter and membership information, write:

P.O. Box 9941
Canoga Park, CA 91309"

(Write-up by SCOA President Betsy Speicher)

9.22 South Florida Objectivists

Meets bimonthly.
Call Howard Jeck at (407) 482-6912

9.23 Students of Objectivist In Georgia

Meets every 3rd Sunday.
Call Karyn Voss at (404) 432-9468

9.24 Tampa Bay Objectivists

Meets monthly.
Newsletter: Tampa Bay Objectivists
Call Stuart Daw at (813)


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