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9 Objectivist community clubs part 3


This article is from the Objectivism Resource Guide FAQ, by Jay Andrew Allen jallen@ingress.com with numerous contributions by others.

9 Objectivist community clubs part 3

9.8 Foreningen For Objektivismen (FFO)

FFO arranges seminars on Objectivism, participate in a big international
Book Fair each year in Gothenburg, shows videos, and publishes a
newsletter/magazine called 'Lyceum', among other activies. For more information,

Jerry Nilson
Pl. 987
438 35 Landvetter, Sweden
Fax: +46-31-265682
E-mail: <Jerry.Nilson@phil.gu.se>

(Write-up by Jerry Nilson, with editing by Jay Allen)

9.9 Foreningen For Studium av Objektivismen (FSO)

Foreningen for Studium av Objektivismen (FSO), is a Norwegian association for
the study of Objectivism. Newsletter "A er A" edited by Vegard Martinsen.

PO Box 26
Blindern, N-0313 Oslo, Norway
Tel: (47) 2244 3683
E-mail: fso@smaug.uio.no

9.10 Gotham Objectivist Club.

A biweekly club in New York City. GOC hosts several lecturers throughout the
year. Recent speakers include Andrew Bernstein on abortion and Richard Salsman
on the Austrian school of economics. Call Al Jakira at (718) 624-3388 for
more information.

9.11 Houston Objectivist Society

Meets bimonthly.
Newsletter: HOS Newsletter
Contact: Warren Ross
Phone: (713) 879-0444
E-mail: wsross@aol.com

9.12 Individualistisk Forum

INDFO - Individualistisk Forum, is an objectivist organisation arranging, among
other things, essay competitions.

Klaus Nordby
Trondhjemsv 137
N-0570 Oslo, Norway

9.13 Marblehead Objectivist Bunch (MOB)

"Purposes: 1. better understanding of Objectivism 2. Support of Boston area
student groups 3. Social interaction with Objectivists.

"Hosts: Marilyn George and Ted Gray
Meeting dates: every 3rd Sunday. (Changes due to holidays are announced in
advance but usually occur in Nov and Dec.)
Time: 1-5pm. (Meetings usually are split between 2hrs social and 2hrs of some
Objectivist activity. Occasionally we vary this routine with a party or
Location: 34 Chestnut St., Marblehead, Mass. (our home)
Refreshments: pot luck (students excepted).
Transportation: Pick available at 12:40pm at the Swampscott train station but
call first. (There is a return train at 6pm.)
More info call: 617-631-0692 or 617-594-2038."

(Write-up by Ted Gray)

9.14 Metroplex Objectivist Association

"MOS, the Metroplex Objectivist Society, is a privately run organization for the
purpose of supporting and promoting the ideas found in Ayn Rand's philosophy,
Objectivism. Dues are $15/year. Though we endorse the Ayn Rand Institute, we are
not affiliated with ARI.

"This organization is based in the Dallas/Forth Worth metropolitan area and
encourages participation with anyone willing to arrive from further distances as

"We do not currently have a regular news letter, but we do have a voice mail
center with information of MOS events and general news. Contact MOS VoiceUpdate
at (214) 949-0036. Our president is Michael Duus who runs VoiceUpdate and
listens to messages left there on a regular basis. If you would like to send
e-mail to MOS, contact Thomas M. Miovas, Jr. at: <tmiovas@attmail.com>."

(From an OSG post by Thomas Miovas)

9.15 Mid Valley Objectivists

Meets bimonthly.
Call Rinda Montgomery at (503) 623-4000

9.16 New Mexico Objectivist Club

Meets monthly.

9.17 Objectivist Students by the Bay (OSB)

Meets monthly in the San Francisco Bay area. Contact:

Objectivist Students by the Bay (OSB)
Patrice Larson
2120 Southwest Expwy #15
San Jose, CA 95126
408 294-6422

9.18 Pacific Northwest Objectivists

A blanket name for the following groups:

OPAR STUDY GROUP Meets every 4th Sunday. Call Pamela Benson at (206) 876-6012

Meets every 2nd Saturday
Call Shrikant Ragnikar at (206) 649-9101

Meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday.
Call Arrow Pride at (206) 742-5023

Meets monthly.
Call Amy Skaar at (206) 842-7806

All four groups are covered by the newsletter Passion for Reason.


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