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8.3 The Ayn Rand Institute: The Center for the Advancement of Objectivism (ARI)


This article is from the Objectivism Resource Guide FAQ, by Jay Andrew Allen jallen@ingress.com with numerous contributions by others.

8.3 The Ayn Rand Institute: The Center for the Advancement of Objectivism (ARI)

A non-profit organization, ARI is the premier organization devoted to spreading
Ayn Rand's ideas throughout the culture. Its many activities include:

--The operation of a Campus Club Bureau, which keeps all Objectivist college
clubs stocked with Objectivist literature and lends taped lectures for public

--The operation of a Campus Speakers Bureau: past speakers have included Harry
Binswanger on "Why 'Buy American' is _Un_-American," George Reisman on
"Education and the Racist Road to Barbarism," and Peter Schwartz, Richard
Salsman, and Richard Sanford on "The Case Against Environmentalism: Moral,
Economic, and Scientific."

--The sponsoring of auctions and banquets, such as The Fountainhead 50th
Anniversary Banquet being held in Boston this November;

--Two contests: A _Fountainhead_ Essay contest open to 11th and 12th graders,
and an _Anthem_ essay contest for 9th and 10th graders.

ARI's financial support comes solely from private donations. Donors receive
ARI's quarterly newsletter, containing updates on events in the Objectivist
community. For more information, contact:

The Ayn Rand Institute


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