This article is from the Objectivism Resource Guide FAQ, by Jay Andrew Allen with numerous contributions by others.
(NOTE: This is not an Objectivist organization; however, its goals and methods
are so much in tune with the Objectivist ethics and politics that I thought it
more than fitting to place here. Hopefully, in the near future, more such groups
will spring up, meriting a section of their own in the ORG.)
"Americans for Free Choice in Medicine (AFCM) is an organization dedicated to
the defense of individual rights in the realm of medical care. We uphold the
values of individual liberty, personal responsibility, and non-coercive free
markets. AFCM is a vehicle through which any individual can help introduce
free-market principles into the medical market place. AFCM's main mission is to
educate the public about free-market solutions to the problems in our health
care system and about the dangers of socialized medicine."
(Taken from the AFCM Mission Statement, available at
AFCM can be reached by writing or calling:
Americans for Free Choice in Medicine
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