This article is from the Objectivism Resource Guide FAQ, by Jay Andrew Allen with numerous contributions by others.
The purpose of this e-mail discussion group is to provide a forum for
individuals to discuss Objectivism with others who are also seriously interested
in ideas. The owner of this service, Bob Stubblefield, expects list members to
adhere strictly to its charter. Although members need not be Objectivists,
pseudo-Objectivists are excluded. The charter should be read, accepted, and
*understood* before subscribing.
To get a copy of the charter, send a message to You will also
receive a membership form; if you qualify and want to join, fill out the form
and e-mail it back to the appropriate address. Membership will begin soon
afterwards. The first month is free; afterwards, the cost is $48 for one year
($24 for full-time students).
(Write-up by Jay Allen, with editing by Bob Stubblefield)
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