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4.1 The Atlantean Press Review (Objectivism publications)


This article is from the Objectivism Resource Guide FAQ, by Jay Andrew Allen jallen@ingress.com with numerous contributions by others.

4.1 The Atlantean Press Review (Objectivism publications)

The Atlantean Press Review is a magazine devoted to printing the latest in
Romantic Realism the school of art which depicts men "as they might be and ought
to be." As one of its own fliers reports, the Review's discriminating selection
of art works from various fields "brings readers a rare experience in today's
culture: the vision of man as a hero, and life as a breathtaking adventure."

Formerly an annual compendium, the Review is now a quarterly magazine.
Subscription is $17 for one year and $30 for two years. Back issues are also
available. For more information, contact:

The Atlantean Press
2435 South Springwood Court
Lafayette, CO 80026
Phone: (303) 604-0788

(If you are placing an order, make sure you address it to the "Order

The Atlantean Press also publishes rare, hard-to-find works in the field of
Romantic literature. Recent endeavors include _The_Man_Who_Laughs_ and
_The_Toilers_of_The_Sea_, two novels by Victor Hugo formerly out of print.
Future projects include a play by Edmond Rostand, author of
_Cyrano_de_Bergerac_. Write The Atlantean Press for more information.


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