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01 What is the Role of Philosophy in Human life?


This article is from the Ayn Rand's Philosophy of Objectivism FAQ, by Chris Walker cwalker@aquila.ece.utexas.edu with numerous contributions by others.

01 What is the Role of Philosophy in Human life?

Ayn Rand had the following to say about the nature of philosophy:

"Philosophy is the science that studies the fundamental aspects of the
nature of existence. The task of philosophy is to provide man with a
comprehensive view of life. This view serves as a base, a frame of
reference, for all his actions, mental or physical, psychological or
existential. This view tells him the nature of the universe with which
he has to deal (metaphysics); the means by which he has to deal with it,
i.e., the means of acquiring knowledge (epistemology); the standards
by which he is to choose his goals and values, in regard to his own
life and character (ethics)--and in regard to society (politics); the
means of concretizing this view is given to him by esthetics."

"The Chicken's Homecoming," from "The New Left: The Anti-Industrial
Revolution," p107

Philosophy is the first science, the science of living. It is a science
that does not require specialized abilities, knowledge or training
to apply to one's life. Though a religion has philosophic content,
a philosophy is not the same as a religion. A philosophy appeals to
the intellect, the faculty of reason. It is through one's faculty of
reason, ie. by observation and persuasion, that one comes to
profess allegiance to a philosophy, not an appeal to one's fears
in order to elicit faith.

Fundamental branch vs derivative branch


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