frequently asked questions (FAQ) and general information pertaining to the newsgroup alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt
This contains frequently asked questions (FAQ) and general information pertaining to the newsgroup alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt. It is maintained by Mark Sokos ( It is posted every two weeks to the newsgroup alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt. The latest version may also be obtained by sending an e-mail request to the above address.
Special thanks to Andrew for the first version of this FAQ. Thanks also to the following for numerous corrections and additional information (in no particular order): Robert Boys, Todd Parker, Howard Matthews, David Wilkie, xian the desk lisard, Sandy Harris, Hai Pham, Alan Winstanley, Dwight Elvey, Gareth Attrill, Gilad Barak, Jan-Derk Bakker, Ian Blythe, Jean-Marc Calvez, Dave Baldwin, Frank Miller, Roethig Gerd, Joakim Ogren, Alan Ogden, Douglas Beattie Jr, Nico Coesel, R. D. Davis, Mike Loving, Paul West, Ian Stirling, John D. Baker, Jeff Sampson, and my sincere apologies if anyone was accidentally left off this list.
I attempt to make sure that all information in this FAQ is current and correct, but I'm only human. If you find a mistake, please let me know.
Your comments/suggestions/contributions are welcome. E-mail to
This file is (C) copyright 1996, 1997 by Mark Sokos. It may be freely copied and distributed as long as this notice remains intact and the file is not modified, and no fee is charged for its duplication.