
previous page: Hard Drive: QUANTUM: FIREBALL 1080AT 1089MB 3.5"/SL    ATA2 FAST
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Hard Drive: QUANTUM: FIREBALL 1080S 1092MB 3.5"/SL SCSI3 FAST

F I R E B A L L   1 0 8 0 S    QUANTUM
                                                      Native|  Translation
Form                 3.5"/SLIMLINE         Cylinders    3835|     |     |
Capacity form/unform  1092/      MB        Heads           4|     |     |
Seek time   / track  12.0/ 3.0 ms          Sector/track     |     |     |
Controller           SCSI3 SI/FA           Precompensation
Cache/Buffer           128 KB              Landing Zone
Data transfer rate   10.000 MB/S int       Bytes/Sector      512
                     10.000 MB/S ext SYNC
Recording method     PRML 16/17                     operating  | non-operating
Supply voltage     5/12 V       Temperature *C           55    |    -40 75
Power: sleep          0.8 W     Humidity     %         5 85    |      5 95
       standby        0.8 W     Altitude    km    -0.226  3.048| -0.226 12.192
       idle           4.0 W     Shock        g        10       |     70
       seek           6.5 W     Rotation   RPM      5400
       read/write     5.5 W     Acoustic   dBA        32
       spin-up            W     ECC        Bit   48,REED SOLOMON
                                MTBF         h     500000
                                Warranty Month        36
Lift/Lock/Park     YES          Certificates



  |                       +--A1-+                        ++ |XX
  |                       +-----+                        || |XXI
  |                                                      || |XXT
  |                                           Terminator || |XXE
  |                                                      ++ |XXR
  |                                                      ++ |XXF
  |  +-+                                                 || |XXA
  |  | A2                                                || |XXC
  |  +-+                                      Terminator || |XXE
  |                                                      ++ |XX
  |                                                         |XX
  |                                                         |
 ++ -                                                       |XX Power
 ++LED+                                                     |XX
 RE = For factory use only (RESERVED)

 Jumper A1
   |PK|TE|A0|A1|A2| Drives: Trailblazer 420/850
   +--+--+--+--+--+         Fireball 540/1080

 Jumper A1
   |A0|A1|A2| Drives: LPS 127/170/340
   +--+--+--+         Maverick 270/540

 Jumper A1
   |A0|A1|A2| Drives: ELS 42/85/127/170

 Jumper A1
   +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+
   |RE|RE|P0| |A0|A1|A2|  Drives: LPS 270/540
   +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+  Ligthning 365/540/730

 Jumper A1
   +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+
   |SS|EP|WS| |A2|A1|A0|  Drives: 40/80/120/170/210
   +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+  LPS 52/80/105

 Jumper A1
   +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+
   |SS|EP|WS| |A0|A1|A2|  Drives: LPS 120/240
   +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+

Jumper A2

 |  |
 |A2| Drives: LPS 270/540
 |A1|         Ligthning 365/730
 |A0|         Fireball 540/1080



Jumper Setting

   | SCSI ID  |        Jumpers        |
   |          |  A2   |  A1   |  A0   |
   |    0     | OPEN  | OPEN  | OPEN  |
   |    1     | OPEN  | OPEN  | CLOSED|
   |    2     | OPEN  | CLOSED| OPEN  |
   |    3     | OPEN  | CLOSED| CLOSED|
   |    4     | CLOSED| OPEN  | OPEN  |
   |    5     | CLOSED| OPEN  | CLOSED|
   |    6     | CLOSED| CLOSED| OPEN  | Factory default
   |    7     | CLOSED| CLOSED| CLOSED|
 A2 (MSB), A1, or A0 determine the drive's binary SCSI address ID.

 |Quantum Drive Type  |Jumper|Setting|Description
 |ProDrive 40/80/120/ |  SS  |OFF    |Self Seek Test disabled
 |170/210             |      |ON     |Self Seek Test enabled: For
 |LPS 52/80/105       |      |       |factory use ONLY! The test is
 |                    |      |       |indicated when power is applied
 |                    |      |       |to the drive. The test will
 |                    |      |       |continue until power is removed.
 |                    |      |       |On most drives, the LED remains
 |                    |      |       |on during the test (a flashing
 |                    |      |       |LED indicates a drive error).
 |ProDrive 40/80/120/ |  EP  |OFF    |Parity Check disabled.
 |170/210             |      |ON     |Parity checking enabled: The
 |LPS 52/105/120/240  |      |       |drive generates parity
 |                    |      |       |information and performs parity
 |                    |      |       |checking of data across the SCSI
 |                    |      |       |bus.
 |ProDrive 120/170/210|  WS  |OFF    |WaitSpin disabled. Drive motor
 |LPS52/80/105/120/240|      |       |power is applied when system
 |                    |      |       |power is applied to the
 |                    |      |       |computer.
 |                    |      |ON     |WaitSpin enabled. Drive motor
 |                    |      |       |power is applied when the host
 |                    |      |       |sends a START/STOP UNIT command.
 |                    |      |       |This option permits unit power
 |                    |      |       |sequencing so that the
 |                    |      |       |computer's power supply in a
 |                    |      |       |multidevice system is not over-
 |                    |      |       |loaded.
 |ProDrive LPS 270/540|  PO  |OFF    |Parity checking disabled.
 |Ligthning365/540/730|      |ON     |Parity checking enabled: The
 |LPS 52/105/120/240  |      |       |drive generates parity
 |                    |      |       |information and performs parity
 |                    |      |       |checking of data across the SCSI
 |                    |      |       |bus.
 |Trailblazer 420/850 |  TE  | OFF   |Termination disabled.
 |Fireball 540/1080   |      | ON    |Termination enabled. When the
 |                    |      |       |jumper is installed, it connects
 |                    |      |       |the termination resistors to the
 |                    |      |       |SCSI bus. Jumper TE should be
 |                    |      |       |ON when the drive is the last
 |                    |      |       |physical device on the SCSI bus.
 |Fireball 540/1080   |  PK  |       |Terminals to PARKING jumper are
 |Trailblazer 420/850 |      |       |not used. The terminals are not
 |                    |      |       |connected.



Plug-and-Play firmware (AT Bus Cable Select for Fast ATA drives and
Plug-and-Play SCSI for Fast SCSI drives) simplifies disk drive
installation by automatically configuring Trailblazer drives and
eliminating the need for any manual jumper settings.

previous page: Hard Drive: QUANTUM: FIREBALL 1080AT 1089MB 3.5"/SL    ATA2 FAST
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next page: Hard Drive: QUANTUM: FIREBALL 1280AT 1281MB 3.5"/SL    ATA2 FAST