Hard Drive Specs from NCL
NCL hard drive specs and jumper settings, layout and features
Hard Drive: NCL: 9121A 107MB 3.5"/HH IDE / AT - Manufacturer: NCL model: 9121A capacity: 107MB, physical size: 3.5in/HH , interface: IDE / AT , hard driver specs and jumper settings, layout and features
Hard Drive: NCL: 9121E 107MB 5.25"/HH ESDI - Manufacturer: NCL model: 9121E capacity: 107MB, physical size: 5.25in/HH , interface: ESDI , hard driver specs and jumper settings, layout and features
Hard Drive: NCL: 9121S 107MB 5.25"/HH SCSI1 SE - Manufacturer: NCL model: 9121S capacity: 107MB, physical size: 5.25in/HH , interface: SCSI1 SE , hard driver specs and jumper settings, layout and features
Hard Drive: NCL: 9170A 150MB 5.25"/HH IDE / AT - Manufacturer: NCL model: 9170A capacity: 150MB, physical size: 5.25in/HH , interface: IDE / AT , hard driver specs and jumper settings, layout and features
Hard Drive: NCL: 9170E 157MB 5.25"/HH ESDI - Manufacturer: NCL model: 9170E capacity: 157MB, physical size: 5.25in/HH , interface: ESDI , hard driver specs and jumper settings, layout and features
Hard Drive: NCL: 9170S 157MB 5.25"/HH SCSI1 SE - Manufacturer: NCL model: 9170S capacity: 157MB, physical size: 5.25in/HH , interface: SCSI1 SE , hard driver specs and jumper settings, layout and features
Hard Drive: NCL: 9220A 199MB 5.25"/HH IDE / AT - Manufacturer: NCL model: 9220A capacity: 199MB, physical size: 5.25in/HH , interface: IDE / AT , hard driver specs and jumper settings, layout and features
Hard Drive: NCL: 9220E 200MB 5.25"/HH ESDI - Manufacturer: NCL model: 9220E capacity: 200MB, physical size: 5.25in/HH , interface: ESDI , hard driver specs and jumper settings, layout and features
Hard Drive: NCL: 9220S 199MB 5.25"/HH SCSI1 SE - Manufacturer: NCL model: 9220S capacity: 199MB, physical size: 5.25in/HH , interface: SCSI1 SE , hard driver specs and jumper settings, layout and features