
previous page: Hard Drive: FUJITSU: M2694ES 973MB 3.5"/HH    SCSI2 SE
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Hard Drive: FUJITSU: M2694ESA 1084MB 3.5"/HH SCSI2 SE

M 2 6 9 4 E S A    FUJITSU
NO MORE PRODUCED                                      Native|  Translation
Form                 3.5"/HH               Cylinders    1819|     |     |
Capacity form/unform  1084/ 1261 MB        Heads          15|     |     |
Seek time   / track  10.0/ 2.5 ms          Sector/track     |     |     |
Controller           SCSI2 SINGLE-ENDED    Precompensation
Cache/Buffer           512 KB FIFO BUFFER  Landing Zone
Data transfer rate    5.120 MB/S int       Bytes/Sector      512
                     10.000 MB/S ext SYNC
Recording method     RLL 1/7                        operating  | non-operating
Supply voltage     5/12 V       Temperature *C         5 45    |    -40 60
Power: sleep              W     Humidity     %        20 80    |      5 95
       standby            W     Altitude    km            3.000|        12.000
       idle               W     Shock        g         5       |     50
       seek          11.5 W     Rotation   RPM      5400
       read/write         W     Acoustic   dBA        43
       spin-up            W     ECC        Bit
                                MTBF         h     300000
                                Warranty Month        60
Lift/Lock/Park     YES          Certificates



  |      1+-+2 CNH5                 CNH10 1+-+2         +--+|XX SCSI
  |      3+-+4                            5+-+6         |  ||XX
  |                                          SCSI       |  ||XX C
  |         CNH11  +---+                     Terminating|  ||XX O
  |        9+--+1  |   |                     Resistor   |  ||XX N CN1
  |       10+--+2  |   |                  1 5           |  ||XX N
  |                +---SW1               +++++          +--1|XX E
  |                              1+-+2   +---CN6            |XX C
  |                              3+-+4                      |XX T
  |  1+-CN7                  CNH2                           |XX O
  |  3+-+                                                   |XX R
  |1+---+CN5                                                |XX
  |2+---+                                                   |XX
  |                                                         |  1
  |                                                         |XX Power
  |             B17B-2060-0410A                             |XX CN1
  +---------------------------------------------------------+  1

  |      1+-+2 CNH5                       1+-+2 CNH10       |XX SCSI
  |      3+-+4                            5+-+6             |XX
  |                                                         |XX C
  |         CNH11  +---+                                    |XX O
  |        9+--+1  |   |                                    |XX N CN1
  |       10+--+2  |   |                                    |XX N
  |                +---SW1                                  |XX E
  |                              1+-+2 CNH2                 |XX C
  |                              3+-+4                      |XX T
  |  1+-CN7                                                 |XX O
  |  3+-+                                                   |XX R
  |1+---+CN5                                                |XX
  |2+---+                                                   |  1
  |                                                    +---+|XX Power
  |                                                  CN6++++|XX CN1
  |      B17B-2060-0500A                                5 1 |XX
  +---------------------------------------------------------+  1


FUJITSU M2691/2692/2693/2694-ES/ESA/ESB/EH/EHA/EHB OEM MAN.41FH5084E-

Jumper Setting

x = Jumper set at factory

The user must set the following terminals and SCSI terminating
resistor before installing the IDD in the system.

- Setting terminal: SW1, CNH10, CNH11, CNH2, CNH3
- SCSI terminating resistor (M269xES only)

 1. The user must not change the setting of terminals not described in
    this section. Do not change setting statuses set at factory ship-

 2. Do not change the setting of terminals except SW1 (offline self-
    diagnostics)/CNH11(write protect) or do not connect or disconnect
    the SCSI terminating resistor module (M269xES only) when power is
    turning on.

 3. To short the setting terminal, use the short plug attached when
    the device is shipped from the factory.

SW1 Switch setting

 SW1| x x x x x x x x |
      | | | | | | | +------ Motor start mode
      | | | | | | +-------- LED display requirement
      | | | | | +---------- Synchronous mode transfer request
      | | | | +------------ SCSI bus parity
      | | | +-------------- Reselection retry count
      | | +---------------- UNIT ATTENTION report mode
      | +------------------ Offline self-diagnostics
      +-------------------- SCSI level

 SW1-1  SCSI level setting
   |       |  INQUIRY data                      |         |         |
   |       +----------+-----------+-------------+         |         |
   | Mode  |Byte 2,   |Byte 3,    | Byte 7      | INQUIRY |  SW1-1  |
   |       |bits 2 to |bits 3 to 0| (Provided   | VPD     |         |
   |       |0 (ANSI   |(Response  | function)   | informa-|         |
   |       |version)  |data format|             | tion    |         |
   | SCSI-2| '0,1,0'  | '0,0,1,0' |Indicates    | Valid   |         |
 x | mode  |(SCSI-2)  | (SCSI-2)  |the function |         |  OFF    |
   |       |          |           |of the IDD   |         |         |
   |       |          |           |for each bit.|         |         |
   |       | '0,0,1,' |'0,0,0,1'  |             |         |         |
   | SCSI-1|ANSIX3.131|ANSIX3T9.2/|All bits '0' | Invalid |  ON     |
   | CSS   |1986      |85-52      |             |         |         |
   | mode  |(SCSI-1)  |(CCS)      |             |         |         |

 1. Set the display contents of data posted to the initiator from the
    IDD with the INQUIRY command according to SW1-2. Select one of the
    modes depending on the system software requirements.

 2. When the SCSI-1/CCS mode is selected, parameters transferred by
    the MODE SENSE command as follows.

     a. Page code 3F (all pages equipped in the IDD are transferred)

         1  Page 7, page 8 and page A are not transferred
         2  Page 1, page 2 and page 4 are transferred with the
            specified length of CCS.

     b. When page 1, page 2 or page 4 is specified individually, it is
        transferred with the specified length of CCS.

     c. When page 7, page 8 or page A is specified individuelly, it is
        transferred with the specified length of SCSI-2.

     d. For the recovery parameter of the VERIFY, the recovery para-
        meter in page 1 is used.

 3. When SCSI-1/CSS mode is selected and the REQUEST SENSE command is
    issued with specifying the transfer byte length to 0, the IDD
    transfers the 4-byte sense data.

 SW1-2  Offline self-diagnostics
    ON   Executed (diagnostic mode)
 x  OFF  Stopped (normal operation mode)

Set starting/stopping the IDD offline self-diagnostics. The offline
self-diagnostics tests the IDD controller functions and the basic
read/write operation of the disk drive. In normal operations, this
setting terminal must be OFF.

 SW1-3  UNIT ATTENTION report mode setting
 x  ON   For a command other than INQUIRY, REQUEST SENSE, or PRIORITY
         RESERVE the IDD responsed with the CHECK CONDITION status.
         (SCSI standard)
    OFF  All received commands are executed normally. (The CHECK
         CONDITION status caused by the UNIT ATTENTION condition is
         not reported.)

Sets the response method against the received command when the IDD
keeps the UNIT ATTENTION condition. This mode is set for system
requirement, however, it is recommended to use the SCSI standard
setting (setting at factory shipment).

 SW1-4  Reselection retry
 x  ON   Retry count of RESELECTION phase =   (unlimited)
    OFF  Retry count of RESELECTION phase = 10

 SW1-5  SCSI bus parity setting
 x  ON   SCSI data bus parity check by the IDD Executed
    OFF  SCSI data bus parity check by the IDD not Executed

 SW1-6  Synchronous mode transfer request setting
 x  ON   Synchronous mode transfer enabled
    OFF  Synchronous mode transfer disabled

Set whethersynchronous mode data transfer request from the TARG is
enabled according to Table. When the synchronous mode data transfer
is enabled, the IDD responds the SYNCHRONOUS DATA TRANSFER REQUEST
message to the INIT that issues the first command after power-on.

1. This setting does not affect asynchronous mode transfer.

 2. When synchronous mode transfer request is disabled, the IDD
    operates as follows.

    - When the SYNCHRONOUS DATA TRANSFER REQUEST message is sent from
      the INIT, the IDD reply to that message and the DATA IN and the
      DATA OUT phases of the SCSI bus can be executed in synchronous

      message to the INIT.

 3. The maximum data transfer rate in synchronous mode is determined
    when the SYNCHRONOUS DATA TRANSFER REQUEST message is exchanged
    between the IDD and INIT.

    The INIT must determine the parameter sent to the IDD when the
    message is exchanged in consideration of the signal transfer
    characteristics of the system SCSI bus and the data reception
    capacity of the INIT.

    The IDD can transfer up to 10 MB/s in synchronous mode. However,
    since the configuration of the SCSI bus and its transfer
    characteristics differ depending on the system, the maximum
    transfer rate in which data can be transferred in a stable condi-
    tion must be determined for each system.

 4. For reference, the IDD data transfer rate in synchronous mode and
    the restrictions on the systems configuration of the SCSI bus are
    shown below.

 Remarks: The following values are rough standards. The values be
 evaluated for each system.
  | Max. transfer rate |  Max. length of    |  Number of connectable|
  | of the IDD (MB/s)  |  the SCSI cable (m)|  SCSI devices         |
  |     3 to 10        |         *          |       *               |
  |   2.67 or less     |     6(M269xES),    |                       |
  |                    |    25(M269xEH)     |       8               |

 * The maximum SCSI cable length and the number of connectable SCSI
   devices must be determined for each system.

 SW1-7  LED display requirement setting
 x  ON   Light when the IDD operates
    OFF  Light when the IDD is ready

Set the display requirements of the LED on the fron panel or external

 SW1-8  Motor start mode setting
 x  ON   The motor is started immediately after power is turned on.
    OFF  Starting the motor is controlled with the START/STOP command.

This setting only determines the operation mode when power is turned
on. Stopping or restarting the spindle motor can be controlled with
the START/STOP UNIT command for both modes.

 CNH2  User Setting Inhibited
        |o o|CNH2
        |o o|
         +-+---- User setting inhibited (OPEN); (Factory test)

 CNH10 Power supply to SCSI terminating resistor on IDD (M269xES)
                                          (Single-Ended only)
        |x x x|CNH10
        |X X X|
         | | +-- SCSI terminating resistor
         | |     power (M269xES only)
         | +---- SCSI teminator resistor
         |       power
         +------ User setting inhibited

   |SCSI terminating resistor power supply           | 5-6  | 3-4  |
   |Power is supplied to the terminating resistor    |      |      |
 x |from the IDD and TERMPWR pin. Power is supplied  |CLOSED|CLOSED|
   |to the TERMPWR pin from the IDD.                 |      |      |
   |The TERMPWR pin is not used. Power is supplied   |      |      |
   |to the IDD terminating resistor only from the    |OPEN  |CLOSED|
   |IDD.                                             |      |      |
   |Power is not supplied to the terminating resistor|      |      |
   |from the IDD. Power is supplied to the IDD       |CLOSED|OPEN  |
   |terminating resistor only from the TERMPWR pin.  |      |      |

Note: When the IDD connects to a position other than both ends of the
SCSI cable, do not mount the terminator resistor module on the IDD.

       |                     +------ CNH10 ----+   -+- +5V DC|
      +++                    | 5  6     4    3 |    |        |
        | TERMPWR +------+   +-+--+-----+----+-+    + Diode  |
      S *---------+ FUSE +-----+  |     |    +------+        |
      C |26       +------+        +-----+----+               |
      S |                             +------+-----+         |
      I *-----------------------------+ Terminator |         |
        | SIGNAL             Mounted  | resistor   |         |
      +++  +----+            in socket+------+-----+         |
       |   +----+IDD                         + GND           |

 CNH10  Power supply terminal resistor circuit on SCSI (M269xEH)
                                          (Differential type)
   |SCSI terminating resistor power supply            | 3-4  |
 x |Power is supplied from the IDD                    |CLOSED|
   |Power is supplied from TERMPWR pin only (IDD power|OPEN  |
   |supply is not used.                               |      |

       |                     + CNH10+              -+- +5V DC|
      +++                    | 4  3 |               |        |
        | TERMPWR            +-+--+-+               + Diode  |
      S *----------------------+  |   +------+      |        |
      C |25                    |  +---+ Fuse +------+        |
      S |26                    |      +------+               |
      I *----------------------+                             |
        | TERMPWR                                            |
      +++ +---+                                              |
       |  +---+ IDD                                          |

 CNH11  Setting terminals
    | x x x x o |
    | X X X X o |
      | | | | +-- User setting inhibited
      | | | +---- Write Protect
      +-+-+------ SCSI ID


   | SCSI ID  |        Jumpers        |
   |          | ID2   | ID1   | ID0   |
   |x   0     | OPEN  | OPEN  | OPEN  |
   |    1     | OPEN  | OPEN  | CLOSED|
   |    2     | OPEN  | CLOSED| OPEN  |
   |    3     | OPEN  | CLOSED| CLOSED|
   |    4     | CLOSED| OPEN  | OPEN  |
   |    5     | CLOSED| OPEN  | CLOSED|
   |    6     | CLOSED| CLOSED| OPEN  |
   |    7     | CLOSED| CLOSED| CLOSED|

Notes: Set the SCSI ID so that there are no duplicates between SCSI
devices on the same SCSI bus.

The priority of SCSI bus use in ARBITRATION phase is determined by
SCSI ID as follows: 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 0

 CNH11  Write Protect
   7-8  OPEN   Write operation is inhibited
 x      CLOSED Write operation is enabled

Enabling or disabling write protect function is set by pin 7-8 of the
setting terminal CNH11. By setting this write protect function,
writing into disk medium is inhibited.

 CN1  DC Power and pin connector assignments
 --+  +----CN1-----+|  pin 1    +12 VDC
  1|  | 4  3  2  1 ||  pin 2    +12 Volts Return (GND)
  -+  +------------+|  pin 3    + 5 Volts Return (GND)
  ------------------+  pin 4    + 5 VDC

CN5 External operator panel connector

       Pin number    Signal
          01        LED (V)
          02        -LED

CN6 External operator panel connector
When the external operator panel is not connected to CN6, CN6 should
be opened. (default setting: OPEN)
When the external operator panel is connected, pins of CNH11 corres-
ponding to the signals set by the external operator panel should be

       Pin number  Signal   Pin number  Signal
          01         GND      02         -ID2
          03         GND      04         -ID1
          05         GND      06         -ID0

CN7 Spindle Sync Connector

       Pin number  Signal   Pin number  Signal
          01       GND IN     02        SS IN
          03       GND OUT    04        SS OUT


FUJITSU M2691/2692/2693/2694-ES/ESA/ESB/EH/EHA/EHB OEM MAN. 41FH5084E

Installation direction

     horizontally                           vertically
   +-----------------+           +--+                      +--+
   |                 |           |  +-----+          +-----+  |
   |                 |           |  |     |          |     |  |
 +-+-----------------+-+         |  |     |          |     |  |
 +---------------------+         |  |     |          |     |  |
                                 |  |     |          |     |  |
      x           x              |  |     |          |     |  |
 +------x------x-------+         |  +-----+          +-----+  |
 +-+------x--x-------+-+         +--+                      +--+
   |       xx        |
   |     x    x      |
     x            x

The permissible orientations of the IDD are shown above, and the
tolerance of the angle is 5* from the horizontal plane.

Mounting frame structure
The disk enclosure (DE) of the IDD serves as a signal ground (SG) and
is insulated from the mounting frame (frame ground: FG). As this
insulation is maintained after the IDD is mounted in the system, the
following precautions must be followed.

Generally, SG an FG are connected at one point in the system
enclosure. Therefore, use following procedure to maintain the
insulation when mounting the IDD:

 a) Use the frame with an embossed structure or the like to avoid
    contact between the DE base and FG. Mount the IDD with making a
    gap of 2.5 mm or more between the IDD and the frame of the system.

 b) The inward projection of the screw from the IDD frame wall at the
    corner must be 4 mm or less.

Limitatation of side-mounting: When the drive is mounted using side
screw holes, do not use the center hole. (M3 or #6-32 UNC screws)

External magnetic field
The drive should not be installed near the ferromagnetic body like a
speaker to avoid the influence of the external magnetic field.

Ambient temperature
When the IDD is operating, the ambient temperature measured 3 cm from
the disk enclosure (DE) surface and from the PCA surface must satisfy
the specified requirement. For the DE surface temperature at opera-
ting, the contact temperature at the measurement point must satisfy
the specified requirement.

 Sequential starting of spindle motors
 After the power is turned on to the IDD, a large amount of current
 flows in the +12 V DC line when the spindle motor rotation starts.
 Therefore, if more than one IDD is used, the spindle motors should
 be started sequentially using one of the following procedures to pre-
 vent overload of the power supply unit.

 a. Issue START/STOP UNIT commands at 20-second intervals to start
    the spindle motors.

 b. Turn on the +12 V DC power in the power supply unit at 20-second
    intervals to start the spindle motors sequentially.

Noise filter
To eliminate AC line noise, a noise filter should be installed at the
AC input terminal on the IDD power supply unit. The specification of
this noise filter is as follows:

       Attenuation:          40 dB or more at 10 MHz.
       Circuit construction: T-configuration is recommended.

SCSI cable
All SCSI devices on one bus are daisy-chained with an SCSI cable.
A terminating resistor must be mounted in the SCSI device at each end
of the SCSI cable.

Since an SCSI terminating resistor module is mounted in the only IDD
of Single-Ended type SCSI on shipment, it must be removed when the
IDD is not connected at either end of the SCSI cable. Also, a method
for power supply to the terminating resistor must be selected with
the setting terminal on the IDD.

The maximum number of SCSI devices that can be connected to the SCSI
bus is 8, including the host adapter, IDD, and other SCSI equipment.

The connector (socket) for the SCSI cable must be an unshielded 50-
contact socket which has two rows of 25 contacts spaced at 2.54 mm
(0.1 inch) apart. It should also have a key way to prevent insertion
in the wrong direction (bump type connector).

The maximum length of the SCSI cable is as follows. If more than one
SCSI device is connected, the total cable length must not exceed the

         6m cable length     Single-Ended type SCSI (M269xES)
        25m cable length     Differential type SCSI (M269xEH)

The use of a 25-pair twisted cable satisfying the following require-
ments is recommended:

        Conductor size: 28 American Wire Gauge (AWG) or bigger

        Characteristic Impedance: 90 to 132

 Each pair of wires in the 25-pair twisted cable must be connected to
 pins n and n+1 (where n is an odd number) on the interface connector.
 Cables having an identical impedance must be use on the same SCSI bus
 to reduce signal reflection and maintain transmission characteristics

When an SCSI device is connected to the SCSI cable except at either
end of the cable, connection to the SCSI connector must be at a
branchpoint of the cable. If a SCSI device is connected to one end of
the SCSI bus, no cable should be connected after the last SCSI device
except when the cable has a terminating resistor.

Power cable
IDDs must be star-connected to the DC power sypply (one to one con-
nection) to reduce the influence of load variations.

DC ground
A DC ground cable may or may not be installed depending on the
system requirements (system installation environment, cabinet
structure, power supply system). This cable is generally connected
to the ground of the power supply unit. It is recommended to connect
with a daisy chain (one by one connection).

Connector for external operator panel
Two types of connectors for the external operator panel are provided
on the IDD. They allow connection of an external LED on the front
panel, and an SCSI ID setting switch.

SCSI terminating resistor (M269xES only)
The SCSI terminating resistor module is installed in the only IDD
of Single-Ended type SCSI (M269xES) when the IDD is shipped from the
factory. The terminating resistor module is mounted in a socket and
must be processed in one of followings.

 1. When conecting the IDD to either end of the SCSI cable, do not
    demount the terminating resistor module.

 2. When connecting the IDD to a position other than both ends of the
    SCSI cable, demount terminating resistor module.

When demounting the terminating resistor module, be careful not to
damage the resistor module pins, mount socket and contiguous parts.

When mounting the terminating resistor module, check the mounting
direction and whetherthe module is fixed.

      +- Marker shows pin 1            +- Marker shows pin 1
      |                                |
      |  +-----------------+           |
      |  |* * * * * * * * *|           |  +*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*+
      +- *                 |           +- * Resistor        |
         |* * * * * * * * *|              +*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*+
         Socket, terminating resistor
         module not present

Confirming initial operations

Initial operation in the case of settong so that motor starts at

    1. When power is turned on, the LED blinks an instant and the IDD
       executes initial self-diagnosis.

    2. If an error is detected in the initial self-diagnosis, the LED
       on the front panel blinks periodically.

Remark: The spindle motor may or may not start rotating in this stage

    3. When the LED display requirements are set to "the IDD is
       ready", the LED on the front panel lights 15 seconds after
       power is turned on.

    4. When the LED display requirements are set to "the IDD operates"
       the LED on the front panel remains off (when the initiator
       accesses the IDD via the SCSI bus, the LED lights).

 2. Initial operation in the case of setting so that motor starts
    with START/STOP command.

    1. When power is turned on, the LED blinks an instant and the IDD
       executes initial self-diagnosis.

    2. If an error is detected in the initial self-diagnosis, the LED
       on the front panel blinks.

    3. The spindle motor does not start rotation until the START/STOP
       UNIT command for the start is issued. The INIT needs to issue
       the START/STOP UNIT command to start the spindle motor.

    4. The disk drive enters the READY status 15 seconds after the
       START/STOP UNIT command is issued. At this time, the IDD reads
       "system information" from the system space on the disk.

    5. When the LED display requirements are set to "the IDD is
       ready", the LED on the front panel ligths as in step 4.

    6. When the LED display requirements are set to "the IDD operates"
       the LED blinks during command execution.

3. Check items at illegal operation

    * Check that cables are mounted correctly.

    * Check that power and voltages are supplied correctly.

    * Check the setting of each jumper setting terminal. The initial
      operation depends on the setting of the motor start mode and LED
      display requirements.

    * If an error is detected in initial self-diagnosis, the LED on
      the front panel blinks. In this case, it is recommended to issue
      the REQUEST SENSE command from the initiator (host system) to
      obtain information (sense data) for error analysis.

    When the LED display requirements are set to "the IDD is ready",
    the LED is turned off while the drive continues command execution.
    However, since the LED is turned off for only one blink, the LED
    may seem to be turned on and off or not turned off at all.

    When the LED display requirements are set to "the IDD operates",
    the LED lights during the IDD is executing a command. However,
    in some commands the lighting time is only an instant.
    Therefore, it seems that the LED blinks or the LED remains off.

    Since the IDD has the automatic readjustment function of positi-
    oning (seek) control, it automatically executes the adjustment
    operations with seek at specific intervals from power on (first
    adjustment: 5 minutes after power on). The seek sound is heard
    during the adjustment but this does not indicate a drive error.

Dismounting drives
Take the drive offline.

Disconnect system power before removing the drive. Do not remove
mounting screws holding the cables and drive while power is on.

Do not move the drive until it completely stops (30 seconds after
spindle motor is stopped with START/STOP UNIT command or after
power is turned off).


FUJITSU M2691/2692/2693/2694-ES/ESA/ESB/EH/EHA/EHB OEM MAN.41FH5084E-

Media defects
The number of allowable media defects are as follows.

       M2691E  :  378 and less
       M2692E  :  462 and less
       M2693E  :  546 and less
       M2694E  :  630 and less

Error recovery
The IDD can try to recover from errors in SCSI bus or the disk drive
using its powerful retry processing. If a recoverable data check
occurs, error-free data can be transferred to the initiator after
being corrected in the data buffer. The initiator software is
released from the complicated error recover processing by these error
recovery functions of the IDD.

It is a 8-byte error detection/correction code for the data field.
It is possible to detect single burst errors with length of up to
44 bits or double burst errors with length of up to 10 bits and to
correct single burst errors with lengths of up to 8 bits.

Defect List
Information of the defect location on the disk is managed by the
defect list. The following are defect lists which the IDD manages.

P list (Primary defect list): This list consists of defect location
information available at the disk drive shipment and is recorded in
a system space. The defects in this list are permanent, so that the
INIT must execute the alternate block allocation using this list
when initializing the disk.

D list (Data defect list): This list consits of defect location
information specified in a FORMAT UNIT command by the INIT at the
initialization of the disk. This information is recorded in the
system space of the disk drive as G list. To execute the alternate
block allocation, the FORMAT UNIT command must be specified.

C list (Certification defect list): This list consist of location
information on defective blocks which are detected by the verifying
operation (certification) of the data block after the initiation
when executing the FORMAT UNIT command. The IDD generates this
information when executing the FORMAT UNIT command, and the alternate
block allocation is made upon the defective block. This information
is recorded in the system space of the disk drive as the G list.

G list (Growth defect list): This list consists of defective logical
data block location information specified in a REASSIGN BLOCKS
command by the INIT, information on defective logical data blocks
assigned alternate blocks by means of IDD automatic alternate block
allocation, information specified as the D list, and information
generated as the C list. They are recorded in the system space on the
disk drive.

The INIT can read out the contents of the P and G lists by the

Programmable data block length
Data can be accessed with fixed block length unit. Data block length
is programmable, and can be set to the most suitable length, from
180 to 4,160 bytes with 2-byte boundary at formatting time.

High speed data transfer
The data transfer rate on the SCSI bus is 4MB/s maximum in asynchro-
nous mode and 10MB/s in synchronous mode. Such a high data transfer
rate on the SCSI bus can be useful with the large capacity buffer
in the IDD.

The maximum data transfer rate in asynchronous mode may be limited
by the response time of the initiator and the length of SCSI bus

The maximum data transfer in synchronous mode on the single-ended
SCSI bus may be limited by the cable length and transmission charac-
teristics of the SCSI bus and the connected SCSI device number.

512KB programmable multi-segment data buffer
Data is transfered between SCSI bus and disk media through the em-
bedded 512KB data buffer in the IDD. This buffer can be divided into
maximum 32 areas. This feature provides the suitable usage
environment for users.

Since the initiator can control the disconnect/reconnect timing on
the SCSI bus by specifying the condition of stored data in the data
buffer or empty condition of the data buffer, the initiator can per-
form the effective input/output operations with utilizing high data
transfer capability of the SCSI bus regardless of actual data trans-
fer rate of the disk drive.

Read-Ahead cache feature
After executing the READ command, the IDD reads automatically and
stores (prefetches) the subsequent data blocks into the data buffer
(Read-Ahead caching).

The high speed sequential data access can be achieved by transfering
the data from the data buffer without reaccessing the disk in case
the subsequent command requests the prefetched data blocks.

Command queuing feature
The IDD can queue maximum 128 commands, and optimize the issuing
order of queued commands by the reordering function. This feature
realizes the high speed processing.

SCSI bus configuration
Up to eight SCSI devices can be connected to the SCSI bus, with any
combination of the SCSI devices that operate as initiator and that
operate as target.

Each SCSI device on the bus has its own unique address (SCSI-ID: #n).
For input/output operation, a peripheral device attached to the SCSI
bus that operates as target is addressed in unit called as logical
unit. A unique address (LUN: logical unit number) is assigned for
each logical unit.

The initiator selects one SCSI device by specifying that SCSI ID,
then specifies the LUN to select the peripheral device for input/
output operation.

 The IDD is constructed so that the whole volume of disk drive is a
 single logical unit, the selectable numbers of SCSI ID and LUN are as
                     SCSI ID:  Selectable from 0 to 7
                               (switch selectable)
                     LUN:      0 (fixed)

Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
MTBF of the IDD during its life time is 300.000 hours.

               Operating time (hours) at all field sites
        MTBF = -----------------------------------------------------
               The number of equipment failures from all field sites

Failure of the equipment means failure that requires repair, adjust-
ments or replacement. Mishandling by the operator, failures due to
bad environmental conditions, power trouble, host system trouble,
cable failures, or other failures not caused by the equipment are not

Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)
MTTR is the average time taken by a well-trined service mechanic to
diagnose and repair a drive malfunction. The drive is designed for a
MTTR of 30 minutes or less.

Service life
Overhaul of the drive is not required for following period which ever
earlier if handled correctly.

 - DE surface temperature: 48*C or less......5 years
 - DE surface temperature: 48*C and more.....5 years or
                                             20,000 power-on hours

Data security at power failure
Integrity of the data on the disk is guaranteed against all forms of
DC power failure except on blocks where a write operation was being
performed. The above does not applied to formatting disks or assign-
ing alternate blocks.

Failure of the intelligent disk drives is defined as a failure
requiring adjustments, repairs or replacement. Fujitsu is not
responsible for drive failures caused by misuse by the user, poor
environmental conditions, power trouble, host problems, cable fai-
lures, or any failures not caused by the drive itself.

Track format configuration example

        |Data block length  | 180| 256| 512|1024|2048|4096|
        |Zone           I   | 225| 172|  96|  51|  26|  13|
        |Zone          II   | 213| 163|  91|  48|  25|  12|
        |Zone         III   | 199| 153|  85|  45|  23|  11|
        |Zone          IV   | 187| 143|  80|  42|  22|  11|
        |Zone           V   | 175| 134|  75|  40|  20|  10|
        |Zone          VI   | 162| 124|  69|  37|  19|   9|
        |Zone         VII   | 149| 114|  64|  34|  17|   8|
        |Zone        VIII   | 136| 105|  58|  31|  16|   8|

        |                   |Byte/Sec. |
        |Zone           I   |  56889   |
        |Zone          II   |  53751   |
        |Zone         III   |  50477   |
        |Zone          IV   |  47339   |
        |Zone           V   |  44201   |
        |Zone          VI   |  41064   |
        |Zone         VII   |  37789   |
        |Zone        VIII   |  34652   |



Tips & Hints about ICP controllers and other peripherals

Tagged queues and Fujitsu M 26xx harddisks
Fujitsu Harddisks of the M26XX series do not support the SCSI-II
feature tagged queues. You should disable this feature in the
initialize disks menue of the GDTSetup program. An inquiry command
shows, that the harddisk supports tagged queues (this is why you can
enable it in the GDTSetup) but this is not true as stated by Fujitsu

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