Macintosh for sale FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about selling and buying Macintoshes.
This FAQ about selling and buying Macintoshes
was compiled and written by Elliotte Rusty Harold
with numerous contributions by others.
01 Should I buy or sell on usenet? (Macintosh for sale)- No, you should not. Usenet is a medium by which information ...
02 Where should I buy/sell used equipment? (Macintosh for sale)- LOCAL bulletin boards, both of the electronic and ...
03 I want to post my ad anyway. What should I do? (Macintosh for sale)- First see section 2.0 below to try and decide on a ...
04 How can I avoid being ripped off when I buy something from the net? (Macintosh for sale)- You can't, which is the single biggest reason I ...
05 How much is my used hardware worth? (Macintosh for sale)- Make your lowest estimate of the resale value of your ...
06 What is used software worth? (Macintosh for sale)- Almost nothing. It's certainly worth less than the cost ...
07 No really, how much is my system worth? (Macintosh for sale)- I'll give a few numbers I consider current as of Fall, 1995....
08 Authorized dealers (Where Should I buy a new Mac?)- Hard as it may be to believe Apple authorized dealers ...
09 Var's (Where Should I buy a new Mac?)- I include Value Added Resellers (VAR's for short) only for ...
10 Superstores (Where Should I buy a new Mac?)- Superstores like CompUSA are fairly hassle-free since ...
11 Performas (Where Should I buy a new Mac?)- At various times Apple repackages different models of LC's,...
12 Educational dealers (Where Should I buy a new Mac?)- The nicest thing about campus computer stores is that they'...
13 Direct from Apple (Where Should I buy a new Mac?)- Apple does not sell Macs retail except to their largest ...
14 Auctions (Where Should I buy a new Mac?)- Apple occasionally dumps overstocked equipment at various ...
15 Does anyone know a dealer in New York City? (Where Should I buy a new Mac?)- If you're planning a trip to New York, you may want to do ...
16 New equipment prices (Where Should I buy a new Mac?)- What follows are mostly maximum prices you should expect to ...
17 Macrotime (When should I buy a new mac?)- Apple releases new models of Macs about every three months. In ...
18 Microtime (When should I buy a new mac?)- If you're buying a low end home system from a high end ...
19 When will I get my Mac? (When should I buy a new mac?)- I've never heard of a delivery taking more than a year, ...
20 Know what you want (How should I buy a new Mac?)- When you walk into the store where you're thinking about ...
21 The dealer needs to sell you a Mac more than you need to buy one (How should I buy a new Mac?)- Remember that the salesperson needs the sale more than ...
22 Have a competitor's ad handy (How should I buy a new Mac?)- Nothing is more helpful in convincing salespeople to ...
23 Cash on delivery (How should I buy a new Mac?)- If you're buying at a dealership, don't pay a penny until ...
24 The sales tax game (How should I buy a new Mac?)- In some sections of the U.S. a significant savings can ...
25 Leasing (How should I buy a new Mac?)- The short answer to this option is DON'T. If you're ...
26 Be nice to your salesperson (How should I buy a new Mac?)- This final tip ought to be obvious, but many people have a ...
27 What is the gray market? (The gray market and mail order - Macintosh)- Due to Apple's reluctance to authorize mail order dealers,...
28 Are gray market Macs covered by Apple warranties? (The gray market and mail order - Macintosh)- Gray market computers are still official Apple ...
29 Does anyone know a good mail-order company? (The gray market and mail order - Macintosh)- Many mail-order dealers advertise in the back pages of ...