Miscellaneous Macintosh FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about Macintosh Computers and OSes
This FAQ about Macintoshes
was compiled and written by Elliotte Rusty Harold elharo@shock.njit.edu
with numerous contributions by others.
01 Help! I have a virus. (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- 90% of all problems reportedly caused by viruses are actually ...
02 I think I've found a new virus. What do I do? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- *DON'T* post a report to any comp.sys.mac.* newsgroup. 99% of ...
03 How do I make a postscript file? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- First make sure a LaserWriter driver is in your System Folder. ...
04 How do I print a postscript file? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- On a Macintosh you'll need the LaserWriter Font ...
05 Why won't my postscript file print on my mainframe's printer? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- Moving PostScript files between the Macintosh and other platforms ...
06 Why are my postscript files so big? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- Versions 7.0 and later of the LaserWriter driver automatically ...
07 How can I print postscript on a non-postscript printer? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- For most users who only want to print to ...
08 How do I make my Imagewriter II print in color? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- Applications such as SuperPaint 2.0 and MacWrite II ...
09 Why doesn't Printmonitor work with the Imagewriter? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- You need to upgrade to System 7.5 and install QuickDraw GX. This ...
10 Why did my document change when I printed it on someone else's printer? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- There are many different reasons this can happen. Far and away ...
11 Is there a utility to preview postscript files on the Mac? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- Net godhood awaits the first person to write a working shareware ...
12 Can I attach a Laserjet or other PC printer to my Mac? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- If your printer isn't a PostScript printer with an ...
13 How can I print grey scales on my Stylewriter I? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- The StyleWriter II driver 1.2 works with the StyleWriter I ...
14 How can I edit a postscript file? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- In the most basic sense PostScript files are just ASCII text, ...
15 How can I move files between a Mac and a PC? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- This isn't as frequently asked a question as it used to be ...
16 How can I translate files to a different platform? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- With the increasing popularity of cross-platform development, ...
17 Should I buy SoftPC or a real PC? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- The various versions of SoftPC and SoftWindows run most DOS ...
18 Should I buy Executor or a real Mac? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- ARDI's $99 Executor/DOS 1.2 allows some Macintosh applications ...
19 Should I buy a DOS compatibility card or a real PC? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- There have been three generations of DOS cards from Apple as well ...
20 How can I password protect a Mac? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- a password. Some of the more easily defeated products, ...
21 How can I password protect a file? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- The best (and in many ways only) means of protecting ...
22 How can I password protect a folder? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- A first line of defense would be to use ResEdit, FileTyper, or ...
23 How can I prevent software piracy? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- Novice pirates may be stymied by simply storing an application ...
24 How can I keep a hard drive in a fixed configuration? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- Steve Jobs designed the Macintosh with the implicit ...
25 How can I copy a track from an audio CD onto my Mac? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- First you must have a CD-ROM drive that supports this feature....
26 How can I extract a sound from a Quicktime movie? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- Movie2Snd is a freeware program available from all the ...
27 How can I convert/play a MOD/WAV/MIDI etc. file? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- Balthazar will play Windows .wav files and convert them ...
28 Are there any good books about the Mac? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- While there are a number of excellent books covering ...
29 How can I take a picture of the screen? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- The Command-Shift-3 FKey that's built into all Macs will take ...
30 Can I replace the "welcome to macintosh" box with a picture? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- First you need an application capable of saving documents ...
31 How do i use a picture for my desktop? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- If you have a Macintosh with Color QuickDraw in ROM (Mac II ...
32 What is disk doubler? more disk space? spacesaver? now compress? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- Symantec's Norton DiskDoubler Pro ($80 street, formerly known ...
33 How do they compare to timestwo, stacker, and edisk? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- Golden Triangle's TimesTwo was a unique hard disk driver backed by ...
34 Where did my icons go? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- Your icons have passed on to a better place, but with a ...
35 Where can i find a user group? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- You can contact Apple's user groups liaison office at ...
36 Where can i find the 1984 quicktime movie? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- I'm damned if I know. If you figure out where, would you ...
37 Do ram doubler and optimem work? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- Connectix's RAM Doubler ($50 street) uses the PMMU on 68030 ...
38 I'm greedy. can i triple my ram? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- You need RAM Doubler 1.0.1 or 1.0.2 for this trick. You can't ...
39 How do i run software that needs an fpu on a mac that doesn't have one? (Miscellaneous Macintosh)- John Neil and Associates' $10 shareware ($20 for native ...