Introductory Macintosh FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about Macintosh computers.
This FAQ about Macintosh computers
was compiled and written by Elliotte Rusty Harold
with numerous contributions by others.
- 01 I have a question... (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- Congratulations! You've come to the right place. Usenet ...
- 02 How do i use this document? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- comp.sys.mac.faq is currently divided into multiple pieces, a ...
- 03 What other information is available? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- comp.sys.mac.faq provides short answers to a number of ...
- 04 Which newsgroup should I post to? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- There are no stupid questions, but there are misplaced ones....
- 05 How should I answer frequently asked questions? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- Mostly through private email. Frequent answers are just ...
- 06 Where can I get Mac software? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- The two major North American Internet archives of shareware,...
- 07 Can I get shareware by email? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- The info-mac archives at sumex-aim are available by email ...
- 08 Where can I find application x? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- If you can't find shareware you're looking for at one ...
- 09 Where can I find an application to do x? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- Most archives of shareware and freeware have index ...
- 10 Can someone mail me application x? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- No. Nor will anyone mail you a part of a file ...
- 11 What is .bin? .hqx? .cpt? .etc? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- Most files available by FTP are modified twice to allow them ...
- 12 How can I get Binhex? Stuffit? etc.? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- By far the easiest way to get these programs is to ask ...
- 13 How can I get Binhex, Stuffit, etc. from a PC? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- Paul Thomson's shareware DOS utility Macette can ...
- 14 Troubleshooting: what to do (before posting) when things go wrong (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- While the various FAQ lists cover a lot of specific problems, ...
- 15 Preventive maintenance (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- You wouldn't drive your car 100,000 miles without giving it ...
- 16 Disk utilities (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- Much like system files hard disks have data structures ...
- 17 Backing up (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- This is one part of preventive maintenance that should ...
- 18 Disk defragmentation (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- As disks fill up it gets harder and harder to find ...
- 19 Reformat your hard disk (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- Just as a floppy disk needs to be initialized before use, so a ...
- 20 There's a mistake in your faq. (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- Thanks for pointing this out. Since I maintain ...
- 21 Why don't you include this complicated/payware solution? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- When there are multiple solutions to a common problem, I ...
- 22 Would you please include my software in your faq? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- As explained above space in these documents is limited, and ...
- 23 Why don't you post the faq more often? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- The FAQ is posted automatically about every two weeks, give ...
- 24 Can you help me with this problem I'm having with my mac? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- Certainly! I negotiate consulting fees on a case-by-case basis,...
- 25 Will you send me the faq? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- No. I have neither the time nor the inclination to ...
- 26 Why don't you format the faq in Word? Digest? Html etc.? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- While I get about one request per month to adhere to some ...
- 27 Can I repost, revise, publish or otherwise use this document? (Introductory Macintosh FAQ)
- This work is Copyright 1993-1996 by Elliotte M. Harold. ...