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Prophecies of Nostradamus FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Prophecies of Nostradamus.

This FAQ about Prophecies of Nostradamus was compiled and written by nanomius@netcom.com.

-01 Introduction: Conversations with Nostradamus by D.Cannon
This is a compilation and consolodation of key information from ...
-02 Nostradamus and his "quatrains"
Nostradamus was a physician and prophet of the 16th century living ...
-03 How did Nostradamus do it?
The D.Cannon books I-III contain a great deal of information ...
-04 D.Cannon & regression hypnosis
Dolores Cannon is a regression hypnotist, meaning that she ...
-05 Nostradamus: "Simultaneous Time"
Simultaneous time is a difficult concept that refers to the ...
-06 Ways to view Nostradamus and the prophecies
One can view the interpretations channelled by the D.Cannon ...
-07 Nostradamus on Free will vs. Fatalism
Nostradamus' preponderance of bleak and horrid prophecies ...
-08 Nostradamus: FAQ Compiler's note
What is my motivation for writing this FAQ? In short I find ...
-09 Background/overview of the Antichrist
I p
-10 Political & religious philosophies of the Antichrist
-11 Ogmios - The Celtic legend of the great orator
I p
-12 Death of the three popes / Catholic Church & the Antichrist
-13 Assassination of the current pope
I p191 (cVIII-46)...
-14 Second-to-last pope "swallowed" by Antichrist's schemings
I p193 (cI-4)...
-15 The treachery of the final pope
I p 197 (cIII-65)...
-16 Demise of the Catholic Church
I p193 (cX-70)...
-17 Cabal's teeth in the international power flow
Ip. 265 (cII-58)...
-18 Cabal involved in military and economic conquests
I p 266 (cII-88)...
-19 Cabal destroyed by the Antichrist
I p 268 (cII-18)...
-20 Fundamentalist fanatics' infiltrations into governments
Ip 151 (c I-40)...
-21 Manipulation of the IRA in Ireland by the underworld
Ip. 153 (cVI-62)...
-22 Wealthy U.S. businessman a closet revolutionary and Nazi
Ip. 154 (cV-75)...
-23 General international political climate: Fundamentalist censorship
I p 277 (cII-85)...
-24 General international political climate: Terrorist assassinations
I p 202 (cIX-36)...
-25 Antichrist's rise to power in Middle East
-26 Antichrists' unified monetary system
I p 219 (cI-40)...
-27 Antichrist's seizure of Asia
-28 Antichrist's cultural eradication & European campaign
I p194 (cII-15)...
-29 Antichrist's ravage of the Catholic Church
I p214 (cV-43)...
-30 Antichrist's invasion of Turkey
I p 209 (cV-25)...
-31 Switzerland alarmed by Antichrist's Nazism in Germany
I p 220 (cI-61)...
-32 International (non)reaction to the Antichrist
I p 220 (cII-96)...
-33 Prelude to the Antichrist and WWWIII: Volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, droughts, famines, rioting
I p 170 (cIV-67)...
-34 Prelude to the Antichrist and WWWIII: Death of world leader and revolt coincides with comet
I. p 121 (cII-62)...
-35 Prelude to the Antichrist and WWWIII: Fiasco from communication breakdown between two superpowers
-36 Prelude to the Antichrist and WWWIII: Soviet/American submarine/naval confrontation
-37 Prelude to the Antichrist and WWWIII: Crazed leader launches atom bombs on Mediterranean and Europe
-38 Prelude to the Antichrist and WWWIII: Third world country leader creates strife
-39 Prelude to the Antichrist and WWWIII: Antichrist profits from radar research in Europe
-40 International political and social incidents: Wargame simulation by Britain in Europe leads to disaster
-41 International political and social incidents: American electoral college voting stalemate
-42 International political and social incidents: Earth abuse causes agricultural devastation in U.S. and Britain
-43 International political and social incidents: Underwater Soviet submarine base defanged by diplomacy
-44 International political and social incidents: Aliens shot by paranoid nation, bacteriological agents released
-45 International political and social incidents: Alien probe of the Watchers discovered by scientists
-46 Nostradamus on the dangers of weaponry mixed with natural disaster
To avoid the worst effects of the pole shift, Stop the ...
-47 Technology accidents: Weather modulation devices go awry, cause ice and hail
-48 Technology accidents: Nuclear reactor meltdown near city with underground chambers
-49 Technology accidents: Space shuttle accident releases microorganisms into atmosphere
-50 Technology accidents: Devastating accidental weaponry explosions from earth tumult
-51 Technology accidents: Ruptured earth energy fields cause meteorite storm
-52 Technology accidents: Research into warping time leads to disaster
-53 Wapons of WWWIII: New, horrific, secret, radical weapons monstrosities in WWWIII
-54 Wapons of WWWIII: Atomic device creates greenhouse effect, devastates agriculture
-55 Wapons of WWWIII: Death by the "milky rain" weapon
I p 253 (cII-18)...
-56 Wapons of WWWIII: "Explosion of light" causes horrible birth defects
I p 255 (cI-64)...
-57 Wapons of WWWIII: The top-secret earthquake-triggering weapon (ETW)
I p 237 (cIX-83)...
-58 Wapons of WWWIII: Diplomacy dies with international earthquake terrorism
The revelation of the weapon will cause a disintegration of ...
-59 Wapons of WWWIII: ETW unleashed on San Andreas and New Madrid faults
The weapon will not be revealed immediately to the world. Only ...
-60 Wapons of WWWIII: Antichrist obtains ETW through espionage and treachery
During the time of radical earth changes this weapon will be ...
-61 Wapons of WWWIII: Death by radio waves
I p 165 (cII-2)...
-62 Human eugenics research advanced by the King of Terror
I p 244 (cX-72)...
-63 Eugenics scientists meet grisly deaths from public backlash
I p 246 (cI-81)...
-64 World War III: Overview: horrible battles, weapons, devastation, death
-65 World War III: Nuclear confrontation in the Middle East
-66 World War III: Mediterranean campaign and the battles of Gibraltar
-67 World War III: Bomb sent at New York by the Antichrist, France retaliates
-68 World War III: Bacteriological warfare strikes New York and London
-69 World War III: Antichrist conquers Europe
-70 World War III: The Antichrist invades Britain
-71 World War III: The crucial meeting on the naval carrier
-72 World War III: Seas, rivers, lakes boil; famines lead to insane cannibalism
-73 World War III: Antichrist's commander succumbs to key strategic failure
I p 272 (cVI-33)...
-74 World War III: Russia breaks free of the Antichrist
-75 World War III: North Pole Alliance of North America, Europe, Russia forms
I p 272 (cVIII-17)...
-76 World War III: Ogmios confronts the Antichrist, fate of world in balance
I p 273 (cV-80)...
-77 World War III: Antichrist eventually dethroned
I p 278 (cIX-73)...
-78 Geological and spiritual earth shift: Timing
-79 Geological and spiritual earth shift: The end of civilization
-80 Geological and spiritual earth shift: Geography
-81 Geological and spiritual earth shift: Preparations/Survival
-82 Geological and spiritual earth shift: Old vs. Young Souls
-83 Geological and spiritual earth shift: The New Age of spiritual rebirth
-84 Geological and spiritual earth shift: Reawakening of freedoms an rights
-85 Geological and spiritual earth shift: Peace after WWWIII
-86 Geological and spiritual earth shift: Spirituality transcends technology
I p 283 (cIV-29)...
-87 Geological and spiritual earth shift: Feminine aspects of God revered again
-88 Geological and spiritual earth shift: More open, frequent contact with aliens
-89 Geological and spiritual earth shift: "Green" revolution, return to the land
-90 Geological and spiritual earth shift: New political alliances
-91 Geological and spiritual earth shift: Scientific discoveries reaffirm Eastern religion
-92 Geological and spiritual earth shift: Great Genius unifies religion and science
-93 Geological and spiritual earth shift: Great Genius discovers the science of miracles
-94 Geological and spiritual earth shift: Astonishing feats of medicine
-95 Geological and spiritual earth shift: New philosophy of the Age of Aquarius
-96 Nostradamus "Grab Bag": Past events
-97 Nostradamus "Grab Bag": Coverups
-98 Nostradamus "Grab Bag": Incidents
-99 Nostradamus "Grab Bag": Atlantis
-100 Nostradamus "Grab Bag": "Great Genius"
-101 Nostradamus "Grab Bag": Far Future

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