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12 "Where does the title 'Automatic for the People' come from?" (R.E.M.)


This article is from the R.E.M. FAQ, by Ron Henry (rgh3@cornell.edu) with numerous contributions by others.

12 "Where does the title 'Automatic for the People' come from?" (R.E.M.)

The band borrowed this slogan from a sign in Weaver D's Delicious Fine
Foods, a popular home-cooking restaurant in Athens, Ga., which,
incidentally, sells T-shirts, hats, and other such merchandise featuring
the slogan (address 1016 E. Broad St., Athens GA, 30601).

The phrase means that people at the restaurant "automatically" get what
they want (as in: "Do I get fried potatoes with my chicken?";


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next page: 13  "So, what's the story with those funky suits Mike Mills wore during the Monster World Tour?" (R.E.M.)